MARTE Related Tools

(Please provide any related MARTE tool that you would like to post to this site to the site coordinator: sebastien.gerard[at]

1- MARTE Profile for Rational Software Architect (RSA) 7.0

Thales Research & Technology has developed tooling around the UML profile for MARTE in the context of a case study. We implemented the UML profile for MARTE and consolidated a VSL editor for Rational Software Architect 7.0. It is made available today under the Eclipse Public Licence (EPL).

Do not hesitate to contact us, if you want more information about this software, or if you want to provide feedback.


  • Sebastien Demathieu (sebastien.demathieu[at]
  • Laurent Rioux (laurent.rioux[at]

2- MARTE Profile for  MagicDraw 15.5 (NoMagic)

MagicDraw 15.5

You can download MARTE Profile for MagicDraw 15.5 directly on the Magicdraw website here:

Do not hesitate to contact NoMagic Inc, if you want more information about this software, or if you want to provide feedbacks.

Contacts: No Magic, Inc. (support[at]

3- Bridge between MARTE for RSA 7.0 to RapidRMA (TriPacific)

Thales Research & Technology has developed a bridge between MARTE models for RSA 7.0 and RapidRMA (from TriPacific Inc.) to perform scheduling analysis of MARTE models.

Do not hesitate to contact us, if you want more information about this software, or if you want to provide feedback.


  • Sebastien Demathieu (sebastien.demathieu[at]
  • Laurent Rioux (laurent.rioux[at]

4- Papyrus UML

5- MARTE Plug-ins for Scheduling Analysis with Cheddar

Thales RT has developed a set of Eclipse plugins which allows to perform scheduling analysis (RMA style) with Cheddar on UML/MARTE models.

Do not hesitate to contact us, if you want more information about this software, or if you want to provide feedback.


  • Eric Maes (eric.maes[at]