

  • Bill Hoffman

    Bill Hoffman, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

    As Chairman and CEO , Bill is responsible for all of the business of the OMG, including Board activities and oversight of the OMG's neutral and open Technical Process.

    Bill has been with OMG since 1989 and has worked in the computer industry in the areas of advanced hardware and software for over forty years. A frequent industry speaker, he is knowledgeable on the latest trends in Industrial IoT, Digital Twins, Augmented Reality and sustainability. You can read Bill's bio here.

    Contact information: Bill is reachable by phone at OMG's main office number at +1-781-444-0404, by email at hoffman@omg.org and by fax at +1-781-444-0320.

  • Steven A. MacLaird

    Steven A. MacLaird, Senior Vice President

    As Senior Vice President, Steve’s primary focus is to support the OMG government activities. Secondary focus is business development for the other OMG communities including the Industrial Internet Consortium® (IIC™) and the Consortium for Information & Software Quality™ (CISQ™), Digital Twin Consortium® (DTC®), and the Data Distribution Service (DDS®) Foundation®, along with other duties. Steve retired from the United States Air Force after 27.5 years. Upon retirement, he consulted with a number of Fortune 200 companies as well as large, medium and small companies, DoD Services, a number of 3 letter agencies and the Department of Energy. He was Vice Chairman of the Board for PrismTech Solutions Americas; and a military advisor to the United Arab Emirates. His career spanned contracting, financial and program management for air, land, sea and space based platforms along many areas of the Battle Management Command, Control, Communications Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (BM-C4ISR) kill chain.

    Contact information: Steve can be contacted via his cell +1 703-231-6335 or by email at maclaird@omg.org or maclaird@iiconsortium.org.

  • Mr. Mike Bennett, Technical Director

    Mike Bennett, Technical Director

    As Technical Director for Object Management Group's SDO, Mike is the overseer and guide of the OMG processes for technology adoption, ensuring that these reflect the needs of the OMG community, as well as the chair of the Architecture Board, the peer-elected body of distinguished technical contributors which oversees the technical consistency of OMG's specifications. Mike comes from a background in formal semantics, financial services and engineering, and has participated in numerous standards initiatives at the OMG and elsewhere.

    Contact information: Mike may be contacted by email at bennett@omg.org.

  • Nancy Zukowski

    Nancy Zukowski, Chief Marketing Officer

    As Chief Marketing Officer, Nancy is responsible for revenue growth and member retention. She develops and executes marketing and communication strategies across multiple channels. Nancy oversees a team of enthusiastic professionals and directs our worldwide internal and external marketing efforts. With extensive experience in numerous segments, including information technology, healthcare, finance, and education, Nancy has spent most of her career in marketing and product management roles.

    Contact information: Nancy can be contacted at the OMG's main office number at +1-781-444-0404 Ext. 109 or by email at zukowski@omg.org.

  • Dan Isaacs

    Dan Isaacs, Chief Strategy Officer for OMG & General Manager of the Digital Twin Consortium

    As Chief Strategy Officer, Dan is responsible for developing and implementing a comprehensive strategy for unifying the OMG Community of Consortiums at the technical and business development level; expanding the OMG global ecosystem and leverage the combined strength of Consortium memberships of AREA, Responsible Compute, IIC, BPM+H, CISQ and DTC; driving the advancement of technology and accelerate global digital transformation across Industries, Academia, Government, and Geographies; and extending the Technology Showcase, a reference library of use cases and case studies, towards demonstrating the technical and business value of real-world applications spanning the overall phases of the application's lifecycle.

    Contact information: Dan can be contacted by email at dan@omg.org.

Certification Programs

  • Terrance Milligan

    Terrance Milligan, Director of Certification Programs

    As OMG's Director of Certification Programs, Terrance analyzes, oversees, and guides the development of each certification program to maximize individual consortium strategy across all available channels. He holds a MBA and a BS in Computer Science with prior project management and marketing experience.

    Contact information: Terrance can be contacted at the OMG's main office number at +1-781-444-0404 Ext. 155 or by email milligan@omg.org.

Marketing Department


  • Katie Hart

    Katie Hart, Director of Marketing

    As Director of Marketing, Katie works closely with the marketing team to lead, strategize, and execute marketing programs and initiatives for the Object Management Group Inc., Object Management Group Standards Organization, and the Consortium for Information and Software Quality (CISQ). She leans on her experiences from the SaaS, technology, and manufacturing industries to bring dynamic perspectives & support our membership communities.

    Contact information: Katie can be contacted at the OMG's main office number at +1-781-444-0404 Ext. 149 or by email hart@omg.org.

  • Karen Quatromoni

    Karen Quatromoni, Director of Public Relations

    In her role, Karen is responsible for media and analyst relations for all Object Management Group (OMG) Consortia. She strategizes and executes thought leadership campaigns that result in increased awareness and visibility of Consortia messages through media and analysts, executive speaking engagements at target events, and content in the Consortia's online publications. Karen holds a bachelor's degree in music composition from Berklee College of Music and a master's of education from U. Mass Boston. She is also an accomplished jazz guitarist.

    Contact information: Karen can be contacted at the OMG's main office number at +1-781-444-0404 Ext. 146 or by email: karen@omg.org.

  • Svetlana Orlova

    Lana Orlova, Sr. Webmaster

    Lana is responsible for management of the OMG's World Wide Web sites which includes Digital Twin Consortium, CISQ, DDS Foundation, BPM+ Health, Industrial Internet Consortium, The AREA, UML, CORBA and OMGSysML web sites. She also assists OMG's marketing department team with designing of logos, flyers, banners, and other marketing materials for web as well as for print. Svetlana received her diplomas in Graphic and Web Design from Clark's University, Cambridge MA, where she also finished Webmaster Program. She is the editorial and technical liaison for the OMG services available to members and non-members alike.

    Comments and suggestions on the OMG's web pages can be sent to lana@omg.org or webmaster@omg.org.

    Contact information: Lana may be reached by email at lana@omg.org or by phone at +1-781-444-0404.

Events Department


  • Mike Narducci

    Mike Narducci, Director, Meetings and Events

    Mike is the Director of Meetings & Events at OMG and oversees implementation and coordination of various OMG marketing programs such as technical meetings, member events, and workshops, providing support and promotion, including website content and related electronic advertising and webcasts. In addition, Mike supports the OMG sales and marketing teams with member acquisition and retention.

    Contact information: Mike can be contacted at the OMG's main office number at +1-781-444-0404 Ext. 104 or by email at mike@omg.org.

Technical Department


  • Juergen Boldt

    Juergen Boldt, Vice President, Member Services

    Juergen is responsible for tracking all standards processes throughout the OMG's specification adoption process including all spec. revision cycles and associated adoption votes. He is also managing all OMG document archives. He is the Point of Contact for most process related issues. In addition to providing general member support and services, he also manages OMG's IT department, which services OMG staff and members alike.

    Contact information: Juergen can be reached by sending email to juergen@omg.org, or by calling the OMG's main office number at +1-781-444-0404.

  • Michelle Seaver

    Michelle Seaver, Technical Editor

    Michelle handles the technical editing of OMG publications, archival and management of publications on-line and development of CD versions of specifications.

    Contact information: Michelle may be contacted by phone at the OMG's main number at +1-781-444-0404. She can also be reached via email at michelle@omg.org

Administrative/Finance Department


  • Chrissy Winters, VP of Finance/HR

    Chrissy is responsible for the OMG’s financial reporting and manages the daily accounting functions. She is also responsible for Human Resources and manages employee relations and benefits for the company.

    Contact information: Chrissy prefers to be contacted by email at winters@omg.org but can also be contacted by telephone at +1-781-444-0404. For billing inquires or questions about payments for vendors please contact accounting@omg.org.

  • Carl Ehramjian

    Carl Ehramjian, Accounts Receivable Assistant

    Carl is assisting with daily accounting functions, membership renewals and collections.

    Contact information: Carl can be reached by telephone at +1-781-444-0404 ext. 144, or carl@omg.org.

Business Development


  • Steve Gillis

    Steve Gillis, Sr. Account Executive

    Steve is the Senior Account Executive in Business Development and is responsible for developing memberships and sponsorships for OMG and the Industrial Internet Consortium.

    Contact information: Steve can be contacted at the OMG's main office number at +1-781-444-0404 Ext. 119 or by email at steve@omg.org.

  • Christopher Corso

    Christopher Corso, Account Executive

    Chris is an Account Executive at OMG and responsible for memberships and sponsorships across all managed programs including the Digital Twin Consortium, Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC), the Consortium for Information & Software Quality (CISQ), and BPM+ Health.

    Contact information: Chris can be contacted at the OMG's main office number at +1-781-444-0404 Ext. 108 or via email at corso@omg.org.

  • Diane Ehramjian

    Diane Ehramjian, Director, Member Engagement

    As Director of Member Engagement, Diane is a resource and point of contact for all consortium members to find help with getting started, introductions, and engagement in consortium activity.

    Contact information: Diane can be contacted at the OMG's main office number at +1-781-444-0404 Ext. 115 or by email at diane@omg.org.

International Representatives