Semantics Driven Architecture

Semantics Driven Architecture™ (SDA™)

The Object Management Group® (OMG®) has approached this problem for more than twenty years with an approach called Model Driven Architecture®, an approach that focused on capturing as many details as possible about the "edges" between systems--relationships, parameters, interfaces. But we need more; we need to share the meanings of words, and not just the words. We need Semantics Driven Architecture™.

Since 2000, the OMG Ontology Platform Special Interest Group, Business Modeling and Integration Task Force, and other working groups, have developed a scaffolding of standards and technologies in the semantics space. Some of these, such as the Semantics of Business Vocabulary and Business Rules™ specification, are focused primarily on modeling the terminology and linguistics aspects of semantics, while others, such as the Ontology Definition Metamodel™, Distributed Ontology, Modeling, and Specification Language™, Decision Model and Notation™, and Production Rule Representation™ are designed to support formal knowledge representation and reasoning applications. 



Learn more about Semantics Driven Architecture from our data sheet

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Read more about Semantics Driven Architecture in this white paper

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If you missed it, view Richard Soley’s 2017 presentation
