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Object Management Group Publishes Domain Taxonomies for Cloud Data Governance
Guidance to enhance compliance with laws, regulations, and contracts

BOSTON, MA – FEBRUARY 28, 2024 – Today, Object Management Group® (OMG®) published the Domain Taxonomies for Cloud Data Governance discussion paper. The paper presents guidance from industry and technology experts from OMG's Cloud Working Group on how using information policy domain taxonomies can enhance cloud data governance.

"While the need to care for and protect the data contained in computer systems has existed for decades, the massive adoption of cloud computing makes it more crucial and urgent to identify and control data," said Claude Baudoin, Owner and Principal at cébé IT and Knowledge Management and co-chair of the OMG Cloud Working Group. "Controlling data means knowing where it comes from, where it is stored, who can access it, where it is accessed from, whom it is allowed to be sent to, etc. – in other words, to establish and practice solid data governance. While this is required regardless of the deployment model, the need is more acute in a cloud deployment."

Cloud data governance standards in existence today cover the care required to ensure the quality, integrity, confidentiality, and protection of information within computer systems and applications but generally do not focus on the unique requirements of information policy compliance. Data governance and interoperability standards and frameworks do not provide enough granular insight into domain-specific requirements for controlling, tracking, or protecting these critical business assets.

This discussion paper reviews several prominent compliance domains (privacy, export control, classified information, and intellectual property) and their implications for data governance. While the paper specifically focuses on the implication of U.S. classification schemes and regulations, the general principles of how organizations can identify, mark, protect, and track data should be readily extensible to other countries and jurisdictions. The paper also lists a number of methods and standards that can be used to implement data governance policies.

In summary, every organization should know what information it holds, the level of sensitivity of each piece of information, the laws, regulations, and contractual obligations it is bound by, where that data is located, how data is protected, and who has a legitimate right to access or modify it. Domain taxonomies help data owners and custodians answer these questions and avoid compliance issues.

For more information and a complete list of authors, download the Domain Taxonomies for Cloud Data Governance discussion paper from the OMG website. Become an OMG member today.

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The Object Management Group® (OMG®) is an international, open membership, not-for-profit technology standards consortium with representation from government, industry and academia. OMG Task Forces develop enterprise integration standards for a wide range of technologies and an even wider range of industries. OMG's modeling standards enable powerful visual design, execution and maintenance of software and other processes. Visitwww.omg.org for more information.


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