The OMG SysML and INCOSE SEP certification programs are complementary and collectively cover the full gamut of today's Systems Engineering problem and solution space maximizing a professional's worth. SysML tests Systems Modeling and Model Based Systems Engineering knowledge and skills while SEP certifications provide comprehensive coverage of Systems Engineering knowledge, experience and leadership. Those individuals who hold certifications from both organization's programs, will be recognized on each organization's wall of fame.
- Review our Exam Discounts for a 10% Discount on either OMG SysML or INCOSE SEP exams.
- Email both [email protected] and [email protected] in one email to be added to each organization's Dual Recognition Wall of Fame.
INCOSE SEP – OMG SysML Wall of Fame
First Name | Last Name |
Andrew | Adams |
Jason | Aepli |
Eric | Alexander |
Awele | Anyanhun |
Luis | Andés Olmedo |
Gavin | Arthurs |
John | Artus |
Pontus | Åström |
Mustafa | Aydin |
Brad | Ayres |
Tommaso | Azzolina |
Hyun Jo | Bae |
Márton | Bálint |
Meredith | Basso |
Yücel | Beki |
Cameron | Bentley |
William | Bentley |
Carol | Berardino |
Yvonne | Bijan |
Jason | Blevins |
Yasin | Bouteldja |
Henk | Broeze |
Daniel | Brown |
Kiffin | Bryan |
David | Butler |
Kayleigh | Calder |
Alexandre | Carvalho |
Kevin | Casey |
Mark | Chebowski |
Kahdeem | Cohens |
Michael | Dance |
James | Davidson |
Arturo | Davila |
Lenny | Delligatti |
Hubert | Denis |
Paul | DeSantis |
JC | de Dios |
Jeremy | Doerr |
Daniel | Durkin |
Bruno | Favoreto Fernandes Soares |
Christine | Edwards |
Michael | Enloe |
Fatih | Erkan |
Tim | Eveleigh |
Aldo D. | Fabregas |
Noah | Fitzpatrick |
Clarissa | Fleming |
Matthew | Fraser |
John | Freudenthal |
Raquel | Garcia Hoffmann de Carvalho |
Daniel | Garzaniti |
Leejo | George |
Dustin | Gerard |
Ronnie | Gill |
Alberto | Gonzalez Fernandez |
Jordan | Gorelick |
Lawrence | Grello |
Pierre-Marc | Guilbault |
Daniel | Hayden |
Oliver | Hoehne |
Rob | Houghton |
Fadl | Isa |
Yutaro | Ito |
Jeffrey | Janos |
Mrunmayi | Joshi |
Fahad | Khan |
Rob | Kitching |
Marcus | Klotz |
Ömer | Korkmaz |
Matthew Lawrence | Kraska |
Armen | Kurdian |
Christian | Lalitsch-Schneider |
James | Landreth |
Philip | Lindeman |
Yuwei | Luo |
Justin | Malek |
Robert | Maloof |
Benton | Maxted |
Rachel | McGrath |
Nathan | Millard |
Cameron | Miller |
Harsh | Mondkar |
Patti | Monell |
Chris | Morey |
Solange | Muhayimama |
Kazuyuki | Murakami |
Mitsuaki | Nakada |
Hans | Natvig |
Travis | Nelson |
Johnny | Nguyen |
John | Nicholson |
Jake | Nickless |
Alyssa | Niquette |
Firat | Parlatan |
Manuel | Perez |
Matteo | Pietrobelli |
Andrew | Poissant |
Rüdiger | Prem |
Patrick | O'Malley |
Jennifer | Rainey |
José Miguel | Ramón |
Thomas | Rapp |
Andrew | Robinson |
Jaime | Robles Pardo |
Kelly | Rodrigues |
Pascal | Roques |
Frank | Salvatore |
Johannes | Schlereth |
Michael | Schmidt |
Will | Scott |
Arya | Sharma |
Jeff | Shirer |
John | Sliger |
Dan | Speer |
Mathias | Staf |
Galen | Stevenson |
Benjamin | Stirgwolt |
Tony | Sukhwani |
James | Sutton |
Michael | Tadros |
Glenn | Thibodeau |
Peter | Thomas |
Lucio | Tirone |
Adrian | Unger |
Bas | van der Leeuw |
Enzo | Vanessche |
Esteban | Vargas |
Tim | Vermilion |
Michael | Vinarcik |
Melissa | Wallace |
Paul | Watson |
Kevin | Weinstein |
Paul | White |
David | Wood |
Michael | Wood |
Samantha | Wood |
Ömer Faruk | Yanık |
Daniel | Yeaw |