ManTIS DTF Agenda

OMG Technical Meeting
San Francisco, CA

2024-12-09 to 2024-12-13
Timezone: PST (UTC-0800)

Up to date agenda can be found at:

Mon 2024-12-09
09:00-09:15 ManTIS plenary
Callin Info: Callin access through will be available to registered attendees during the event.
Introductions and agenda review

09:15-10:15 ManTIS plenary
Callin Info:  Callin access through will be available to registered attendees during the event.

10:30-12:00 ManTIS plenary
Callin Info:  Callin access through will be available to registered attendees during the event.

  • Progress update about SysPhS on SysML2 - "SysPhS2" (Raphael Barbau, Charles Manion; NIST) 
  • Relationship of PKF (the Product Knowledge Framework) and CASCaDE discussion (Bill Beavin; BOEING)
  • ManTIS roadmap discussion
  • Next meeting planning
  • Recess to Thursday

Thu 2024-12-12
09:00-11:00 ManTIS plenary
Callin Info: Callin access through will be available to registered attendees during the event.

In case the AB meeting on Monday requested changes to the CASCaDE RFP, ManTIS needs to vode and recommend on the updated RFP.

  • Presentation of changes to the CASCaDE RFP
  • Vote to recommend updated CASCaDE RFP for issuance

Non-ManTIS business:
  • Formation of a CASCaDE submitters team

  • Discussion of nexct steps

Generated at: 2024-12-21 20:52 US/Eastern