Mon 2024-12-09 | |
09:00-09:15 | ManTIS plenary |
| Callin Info: | Callin access through will be available to registered attendees during the event. | Introductions and agenda review
09:15-10:15 | ManTIS plenary |
| Callin Info: | Callin access through will be available to registered attendees during the event. | - CASCaDE RFP presentation and discussion
- Vote to recommend the CASCaDE RFP for issuance
10:30-12:00 | ManTIS plenary |
| Callin Info: | Callin access through will be available to registered attendees during the event. | - Progress update about SysPhS on SysML2 - "SysPhS2" (Raphael Barbau, Charles Manion; NIST)
- Relationship of PKF (the Product Knowledge Framework) and CASCaDE discussion (Bill Beavin; BOEING)
- ManTIS roadmap discussion
- Next meeting planning
- Recess to Thursday
Thu 2024-12-12 | |
09:00-11:00 | ManTIS plenary |
| Callin Info: | Callin access through will be available to registered attendees during the event. |
In case the AB meeting on Monday requested changes to the CASCaDE RFP, ManTIS needs to vode and recommend on the updated RFP.
- Presentation of changes to the CASCaDE RFP
- Vote to recommend updated CASCaDE RFP for issuance
Adjourn Non-ManTIS business:
- Formation of a CASCaDE submitters team
- Discussion of nexct steps