To ensure that an agenda is added to this page and included in the appropriate Technical Meeting package, it must be submitted through your group's Google Calendar link. If you require a Google Calendar for your group, or if you do not see your agenda listed here, please contact us.
Click on the links below to view the different agendas provided by each subgroup. ( * Indicates subgroup is scheduled to meet during the Q2 TC Meeting)
Introducing a new beta agenda feature: an all-in-one visual calendar! This is a first draft and your Technical Director would like to assert that in no way are any rough edges the fault of our esteemed web guru. You will need to adjust the viewing size of your browser, the calendar is quite large. Please contact me directly with other suggestions:
Final agendas are due:
Monday, May 30, 2022
(One week after the Four Week Rule deadline.)
Technology Committee Plenaries
Object Reference Model ABSC
Domain and Platform Task Forces
Business Modeling & Integration DTF *
Government Information Sharing and Services DTF
Special Interest Groups
Finalization / Revision Task Forces
Business Architecture Core Metamodel 1.0 FTF *
FACE Profile for UAF 1.1 RTF
* Records Management Services RTF
Space Telecommunications Interface (STI) 1.0 FTF
UML Testing Profile 2.2 RTF
Value Delivery MetaModel RTF
Working Groups
Academic WG
Central Bank Digital Currency WG
Data Governance WG
Federated Enterprise Risk Management WG
Preservation & Records Management Services WG
Statistics WG
Vocabulary for Communities of Interest WG
BPMN Model Interchange WG
Cloud WG *
Executable UML WG
Robotics Functional Service WG
SysML Semantics WG
Business Architecture Metamodel WG
Conceptual Modeling WG
Robotics Hardware Abstraction Layer WG
Tools Infrastructure WG
Special Events