Managed Community Bylaws

Managed Community Bylaws Overview

The OMG has developed a set of Managed Community Bylaws for purposes of facilitating the establishment of one or more groups that adopt these Bylaws. Each Managed Community is a distinct program of the OMG and adhering to the provisions of OMG's Bylaws and policies that concern OMG consortia, communities, programs and other subgroups, in addition to these bylaws.

Each Managed Community is a companion organization to the OMG Standards Development Organization (SDO), formed at the request of OMG SDO Members and sponsored by an OMG SDO Task Force or Special Interest Group. The Managed Community Bylaws govern the operation of these Managed Communities.

Current Managed Community Bylaws Document

The most current version of the Managed Community Bylaws can be found at omg/23-09-02.