Become An OMG-Accredited Training Provider

Gain instant credibility with a vast audience of young professionals!

Join The Ranks of A Unique Class of Training Providers!

Are you a training provider looking to make an impact that will resonate in the future? OMG is proud to announce an open invitation to join a new network of OMG-accredited training providers dedicated to enhancing individual professional growth that will (via our BPM, SysML, and UML certification programs) continue to define the fabric of innovation that drives industry worldwide.

By completing our simplified accreditation process, your organization will gain instant credibility with a vast audience of young professionals. Furthermore, as an official OMG-accredited training provider, your OMG-accredited course(s) will inevitably provide the essential impetus for generations of industry titans.

Minimum Requirements

If interested please review and complete the Member Agreement (List of Current Members) or Non-Member Agreement and send it to [email protected] along with the following information if you have it:

  • All topics your OMG-accredited training course(s) will cover
  • The full name(s) of the individual(s) that will lead your OMG-accredited training course(s)
  • The (intended) duration of your OMG-accredited training course(s)
  • Whether your OMG-accredited training course(s) will be made available live online, live onsite, and/or on-demand online
  • Languages in which your training course(s) will be made available

Only OMG-Accredited Training Providers will be promoted via OMG marketing channels.

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