Optimizing Agent-Based Applications
The OMG's Agent Platform Special Interest Group (Agent PSIG) works to improve agent-based modeling and applications. A recent whitepaper provides an overview and impact of agent-based modeling. The Agent PSIG can improve upon current modeling approaches and applications commonly used today.
The mission of the Agent Platform Special Interest Group is to work with OMG platform and domain task forces:
- Enable developers to better understand how to develop agent-based applications, including large-scale distributed agent systems
- Identify and recommend new OMG specifications in the agent area
- Leverage and interoperate with other OMG specifications in the agent area
- Liaise with related organizations that share common goals
- Promote standard agent modeling techniques that increase rigor and consistency of specifications
- Recommend agent-related extensions to existing and emerging OMG specifications
Notable Deliverable:
- Mobile Agent Facility: Mobile Agent System Interoperability Facilities (also called MAF, an acronym for the original proposal, Mobile Agent Facility) addresses interoperability between agent systems written in the same language, but potentially by different vendors and systems that are expected to go through many revisions within the lifetime of an agent.
Work In Progress:
- Agent Metamodel and Profile (AMP) RFP: Requests a metamodel and profile for extending UML with capabilities applicable to agents and agent-based software. Submissions developed in response to this RFP will achieve the following: 1) Clarify semantics concerned with modeling agents, 2) establish agent modeling best practices utilizing OMG technologies, 3) develop a MOF-compliant agent metamodel to be used either standalone or via extending the existing UML metamodel with agent modeling capabilities, 4) enable agent model interchange between tools via XMI, and 5) optionally facilitate modeling of peer-to-peer, grid and cloud computing, and other technologies in terms of a collection of agents.
- Event Metamodel and Profile (EMP) RFP: Requests a metamodel and profile for extending UML with capabilities applicable to the sensing and interpretation of events, such as monitoring, filtering, aggregation, and correlation. Submissions developed in response to this RFP will achieve the following: 1) Clarify semantics concerned with modeling events, 2) establish event modeling best practices utilizing OMG technologies, 3) develop a MOF-compliant event metamodel to be used either standalone or via extending the existing UML metamodel with event modeling capabilities, and 4) enable event model interchange between tools via XMI.
Get Involved:
If you're an OMG member, have a member account, and want to get involved, you can Subscribe to The Agent PSIG Mailing List to receive frequent group email updates and/or contact [email protected]. If you don't know if your organization is already a member, check the OMG Member List, Request An Account, and follow the prior steps, if your organization is a member, to get engaged. If not a member and interested in getting involved please visit our Membership Overview Webpage and/or contact [email protected]