Architecture-Driven Modernization
The OMG's Architecture-Driven Modernization Platform Task Force (ADM PTF) helps analyze and refine existing systems. ADM is the process of understanding and evolving existing software assets for the purpose of software improvement, interoperability, migration, and much more. Modernization can commence whenever existing practices fail to deliver on business objectives. ADM restores the value of existing applications as it extracts and leverages the current intellectual property investment to deliver new solutions that address new business requirements. For excellent resources on this topic visit the Business Architecture Guild.
The goal of the ADM PTF is to revitalize existing applications and make them more agile. Doing so will enable greater business agility, enhance RoI, improve software development productivity, reduce maintenance and cost, and extend the life value of existing applications. In sum, the ADM PTF extends system longevity by drawing upon current resources and efficiently repurposing and streamlining them.
- Consolidate best practices leading to successful modernization
- Make existing applications more agile
- Revitalize existing applications
Notable Deliverables:
- Abstract Syntax Tree Metamodel (ASTM): Supports a direct 1-to-1 mapping of all code-level software language statements into low-level software models, intended to provide a framework for: 1) A high-fidelity invertible representation of code written in any software language, and 2) attachment of low-level software semantics produced by a constraint analysis, specifically scope analysis and the defRef and refTo association between definitions and identifier usage.
- Automated Function Point (AFP): Defines a method for automating the counting of function points that is generally consistent with the Function Point Counting Practices Manual, Release 4.3.1 (IFPUG CPM) produced by the International Function Point Users Group (IFPUG). Guidelines in this specification may differ from those in the IFPUG CPM at points where subjective judgments have to be replaced by the rules needed for automation.
- Structured Metrics Metamodel (SMM): Defines a metamodel to represent measurement information related to any structured information model and is an extensible metamodel for exchanging both measures and measurement information concerning artifacts contained or expressed by structured models, such as MOF.
Get Involved:
If you're an OMG member, have a member account, and want to get involved, you can Subscribe to The ADM PTF Mailing List to receive frequent group email updates and/or contact [email protected]. If you don't know if your organization is already a member, check the OMG Member List, Request An Account, and follow the prior steps, if your organization is a member, to get engaged. If not a member and interested in getting involved please visit our Membership Overview Webpage and/or contact [email protected]