Object Management Group
This page provides a summary of OMG specifications that have either been formally published or are in the finalization process.
Name | Acronym | Version | Status | Publication Date |
Total: 197 | ||||
ADA Language Mapping | ADA | 1.3 | formal | May 2010 |
Abstract Syntax Tree Metamodel | ASTM™ | 1.0 | formal | January 2011 |
Action Language for Foundational UML | ALF | 1.1 | formal | June 2017 |
Addl Structuring Mechanisms for OTS | OTS | 1.0 | formal | September 2002 |
Alert Management Service | ALMAS | 1.0 | formal | November 2009 |
Application Instrumentation | APP-INST | 1.0 | formal | May 2016 |
Application Management and System Monitoring | AMSM | 1.1 | formal | November 2010 |
Archetype Modeling Language | AML | 1.0 | formal | March 2018 |
Arts Xml Video Analytics | VIDEOANALYTICS | 1.0 | formal | January 2019 |
Asynchronous Method Invocation for CCM | AMI4CCM™ | 1.1 | formal | August 2015 |
Automated Enhancement Points | AEP | 1.0 | formal | April 2017 |
Automated Function Points | AFP™ | 1.0 | formal | December 2013 |
Automated Source Code CISQ Maintainability Measure | ASCMM™ | 1.0 | formal | December 2015 |
Automated Source Code CISQ Performance Efficiency Measure | ASCPEM™ | 1.0 | formal | December 2015 |
Automated Source Code CISQ Reliability Measure | ASCRM™ | 1.0 | formal | December 2015 |
Automated Source Code CISQ Security Measure | ASCSM™ | 1.0 | formal | December 2015 |
Automated Source Code Quality Measures | ASCQM | 1.0 | formal | January 2020 |
Automated Source Code Resource Sustainability Measure | ASCRSM | 1.0 | formal | June 2024 |
Automated Technical Debt Measure | ATDM | 1.0 | formal | December 2017 |
Biomolecular Sequence Analysis | BSA | 1.0 | formal | June 2001 |
Business Motivation Model | BMM | 1.3 | formal | April 2015 |
Business Process Definition Metamodel | BPDM | 1.0 | formal | November 2008 |
Business Process Maturity Model | BPMM | 1.0 | formal | June 2008 |
Business Process Model and Notation | BPMN™ | 2.0.2 | formal | January 2014 |
C Language Mapping | C | 1.0 | formal | July 1999 |
C++ Language Mapping | CPP | 1.3 | formal | July 2012 |
COBOL Language Mapping | COBOL | 1.0 | formal | July 1999 |
CORBA Bindings for WSDL | CORBABINDING | 1.0 | formal | May 2010 |
CORBA Component Model | CCM™ | 4.0 | formal | March 2006 |
CORBA Embedded | CORBAe | 1.0 | formal | November 2008 |
CORBA Reflection | RFLEC™ | 1.0 | formal | May 2006 |
CORBA Scripting Language | SCRPT | 1.1 | formal | February 2003 |
CORBA to WSDL/SOAP Interworking | C2WSDL™ | 1.2.1 | formal | August 2008 |
Case Management Model and Notation | CMMN™ | 1.1 | formal | December 2016 |
Chemical Structure and Access Representation | CSAR | 1.0 | formal | January 2007 |
Clinical Decision Support Service | CDSS | 1.0 | formal | June 2011 |
Collection Service | COLL™ | 1.0.1 | formal | August 2002 |
Command and Control Message Specification | C2MS | 1.1 beta | beta | September 2024 |
Common Object Request Broker Architecture | CORBA® | 3.2 | formal | October 2011 |
Common Terminology Services 2 | CTS2™ | 1.2 | formal | April 2015 |
Common Warehouse Metamodel | CWM™ | 1.1 | formal | March 2003 |
Concurrency Service | CONC™ | 1.0 | formal | June 2000 |
DDS Consolidated XML Syntax | DDS-XML | 1.0 | formal | December 2018 |
DDS Extensions for Time Sensitive Networking | DDS-TSN | 1.0 beta | beta | April 2023 |
DDS For Extremely Resource Constrained Environments | DDS-XRCE | 1.0 | formal | February 2020 |
DDS For Lightweight CCM | DDS4CCM™ | 1.1 | formal | February 2012 |
DDS Interoperability Wire Protocol | DDSI-RTPS™ | 2.3 | formal | May 2019 |
DDS Security | DDS-SECURITY™ | 1.1 | formal | July 2018 |
Data Acquisition from Industrial Systems | DAIS | 1.1 | formal | June 2005 |
Data Distribution Service | DDS™ | 1.4 | formal | March 2015 |
Data Distribution Service + Data Local Reconstruction Layer | DDS-DLRL™ | 1.4 | formal | May 2015 |
Data Parallel Processing | DPP™ | 1.0 | formal | January 2006 |
Date-Time Vocabulary | DTV™ | 1.3 | formal | May 2017 |
Decision Model and Notation | DMN™ | 1.3 | formal | February 2021 |
Dependability Assurance Framework For Safety-Sensitive Consumer Devices | DAF™ | 1.0 | formal | February 2016 |
Deployment and Configuration of component-based Distributed Applications | DEPL™ | 4.0 | formal | April 2006 |
Diagram Definition | DD™ | 1.1 | formal | August 2015 |
Distributed Ontology, Model, and Specification Language | DOL™ | 1.0 | formal | March 2018 |
Distributed Simulation Systems | DSS™ | 2.0 | formal | November 2002 |
Enhanced View of Time | EVoT™ | 2.0 | formal | August 2008 |
Essence | Essence® | 1.2 | formal | July 2018 |
Event Service | EVNT™ | 1.2 | formal | October 2004 |
Express Metamodel | EXPRESS | 1.1 | formal | May 2015 |
Extensible and Dynamic Topic Types for DDS | DDS-XTypes™ | 1.1 | formal | October 2014 |
FACE Profile for UAF | FACE | 1.0 beta | beta | July 2020 |
FIBO Business Entities | EDMC-FIBO/BE | 1.1 | formal | January 2018 |
FIBO Financial Business And Commerce | EDMC-FIBO/FBC | 1.0 | formal | July 2017 |
FIBO Foundations | EDMC-FIBO/FND | 1.2 | formal | December 2017 |
FIBO Indices And Indicators | EDMC-FIBO/IND | 1.0 | formal | July 2017 |
Fault Tolerant CORBA® | FT | 1.0 | formal | April 2010 |
Federal Transition Framework | FTF | 1.0 | formal | February 2009 |
Financial Instrument Global Identifier® | FIGI® | 1.2 beta | beta | December 2024 |
Finite State Machine Component for RTC | FSM4RTC | 1.0 | formal | April 2016 |
GIOP Compression | ZIOP™ | 1.0 | formal | January 2010 |
Gene Expression | GENE | 1.1 | formal | October 2003 |
Ground Equipment Monitoring Service | GEMS™ | 1.4 | formal | June 2016 |
Hardware Abstraction Layer For Robotic Technology | HAL4RT™ | 1.0 beta | beta | January 2016 |
Historical Data Acquisition from Industrial Systems | HDAIS | 1.0 | formal | June 2005 |
IDL to C++11 Language Mapping | CPP11 | 1.4 | formal | July 2019 |
IDL to Java Language Mapping | I2JAV | 1.3 | formal | December 2007 |
IEF Reference Architecture | IEF-RA | 1.0 | formal | October 2019 |
ISO/IEC C++ 2003 Language DDS PSM | DDS-PSM-Cxx | 1.0 | formal | November 2013 |
IT Portfolio Management Facility | ITPMF | 1.0 | formal | April 2007 |
Identity Cross Reference Service | IXS | 1.0.1 | formal | May 2011 |
Information Exchange Packaging Policy Vocabulary | IEPPV™ | 1.0 | formal | May 2015 |
Interaction Flow Modeling Language | IFML™ | 1.0 | formal | February 2015 |
Interface Definition Language | IDL | 4.2 | formal | March 2018 |
Java 5 Language PSM for DDS | DDS-Java | 1.0 | formal | November 2013 |
Java to IDL Language Mapping | JAV2I | 1.4 | formal | January 2008 |
Knowledge Discovery Metamodel | KDM | 1.4 | formal | December 2016 |
Languages, Countries And Codes | LCC | 1.1 | formal | February 2020 |
Life Sciences Analysis Engine | LSAE | 1.0 | formal | November 2005 |
Life Sciences Identifiers | LIS | 1.0 | formal | December 2004 |
Lightweight Fault Tolerance | LWFT™ | 1.0 | formal | March 2012 |
Lightweight Load Balancing Service | LtLOAD™ | 1.0 | formal | February 2010 |
Lightweight Log Service | LtLOG™ | 1.1 | formal | May 2005 |
Lightweight Services | LtSVC™ | 1.0 | formal | October 2004 |
MOF 2.0 Facility And Object Lifecycle Specification | MOFFOL™ | 2.0 | formal | March 2010 |
MOF Model to Text Transformation Language | MOFM2T™ | 1.0 | formal | January 2008 |
MOF Query/View/Transformation | QVT™ | 1.3 | formal | June 2016 |
MOF Support for Semantic Structures | SMOF™ | 1.0 | formal | April 2013 |
MOF to IDL Mapping | MOF2I | 2.0 | formal | January 2006 |
MOF to RDF Mapping | MOF2RDF | 1.0 beta | beta | March 2019 |
MOF2 Versioning and Development Lifecycle | MOFVD™ | 2.0 | formal | May 2007 |
Management of Event Domains | MED | 1.0 | formal | June 2001 |
Meta Object Facility | MOF™ | 2.5.1 | formal | October 2016 |
Model Driven Message Interoperability | MDMI® | 2.0 beta | beta | January 2021 |
Model for Performance-driven Government | MPG | 1.0 | formal | December 2013 |
Negotiation Facility | NEG | 1.0 | formal | March 2002 |
Notification Service | NOT | 1.1 | formal | September 2004 |
Notification/JMS Interworking Service | NOTJMS™ | 1.0 | formal | October 2004 |
OMG HData RESTful Transport | Hdata | 1.0 | formal | October 2013 |
OMG Systems Modeling Language | SysML® | 1.6 | formal | December 2019 |
OPC-UA/DDS Gateway | DDS-OPCUA | 1.0 | formal | January 2020 |
Object Constraint Language | OCL™ | 2.4 | formal | February 2014 |
Online Upgrades | ONUP™ | 1.0 | formal | January 2008 |
Ontology Definition Metamodel | ODM™ | 1.1 | formal | September 2014 |
Open Architecture Radar Interface Standard | OARIS™ | 1.1 | formal | March 2019 |
P & C Data Model For Property And Casualty Insurance | PC | 1.0 | formal | October 2014 |
PIM and PSM for Smart Antenna | smartant | 1.0 | formal | February 2009 |
Phenotype and Genotype Object Model | PAGE-OM | 1.0 | formal | July 2010 |
Precise Semantics for Uncertainty Modeling | PSUM | 1.0 beta | beta | April 2023 |
Precise Semantics of UML Composite Structures | PSCS™ | 1.2 | formal | June 2019 |
Precise Semantics of UML State Machines | PSSM | 1.0 | formal | May 2019 |
Product Lifecycle Management Services | PLM | 2.1 | formal | May 2011 |
Production Rule Representation | PRR | 1.0 | formal | December 2009 |
Property Service | PROP | 1.0 | formal | June 2000 |
Quality of Service for CCM | QOSCCM™ | 1.1 | formal | September 2008 |
Query Service | QUER™ | 1.0 | formal | June 2000 |
RPC Over DDS | DDS-RPC | 1.0 | formal | April 2017 |
RUBY CORBA Language Mapping | RCLM | 1.2 | formal | April 2013 |
Records Management Service | RMS™ | 1.0 | formal | September 2011 |
Requirements Interchange Format | ReqIF™ | 1.2 | formal | July 2016 |
Retrieve, Locate, and Update Service | RLUS | 1.0.1 | formal | July 2011 |
Reusable Asset | RAS | 2.2 | formal | November 2005 |
Risk Analysis and Assessment Modeling Language | RAAML | 1.0 | formal | April 2023 |
Robotic Interaction Service | RoIS™ | 1.2 | formal | July 2018 |
Robotic Localization Service | RLS™ | 1.1 | formal | August 2012 |
Robotic Technology Component | RTC | 1.1 | formal | September 2012 |
SES Management TelcoML Extension | TelcoML-SES™ | 1.0 | formal | August 2013 |
Satellite Operations Language Metamodel | SOLM™ | 1.0 | formal | November 2012 |
Security Service | SEC | 1.8 | formal | March 2002 |
Semantics Of Business Vocabulary And Business Rules | SBVR™ | 1.5 | formal | December 2019 |
Semantics of a Foundational Subset for Executable UML Models | FUML™ | 1.4 | formal | December 2018 |
Service Oriented Architecture Modeling Language | SoaML® | 1.0.1 | formal | May 2012 |
Services Directory | ServD™ | 1.0 | formal | February 2014 |
Shared Operational Picture Exchange Services | SOPES™ | 1.0 | formal | May 2011 |
Simplified Electronic Notation for Sensor Reporting | SENSR | 1.0 beta | beta | July 2020 |
Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms | SNP | 1.0 | formal | November 2005 |
Smalltalk Language Mapping | ST | 1.0 | formal | July 1999 |
Software & Systems Process Engineering Metamodel | SPEM™ | 2.0 | formal | April 2008 |
Software Radio Components | SDRP™ | 1.0 | formal | March 2007 |
Structured Assurance Case Metamodel | SACM™ | 2.1 | formal | April 2020 |
Structured Metrics Metamodel | SMM™ | 1.2 | formal | March 2018 |
Structured Patterns Metamodel Standard | SPMS™ | 1.3 beta | beta | September 2024 |
Super Distributed Object | SDO | 1.1 | formal | October 2008 |
Surveillance User Interface | SURV™ | 1.0 | formal | March 2003 |
SysML Extension for Physical Interaction and Signal Flow Simulation | SysPhS | 1.0 | formal | July 2018 |
SysML-Modelica Transformation | SyM™ | 1.0 | formal | November 2012 |
TACSIT Controller Interface | TCI™ | 1.0 | formal | February 2013 |
TACSIT Data Exchange | TEX | 1.0 beta 2 | beta | April 2020 |
Telecom Service & Access Subscription | TSAS | 1.0 | formal | December 2002 |
Test Information Interchange Formal | TestIF | 1.0 | formal | May 2015 |
Time Service | TIME | 1.1 | formal | May 2002 |
Tools Output Integration Framework | TOIF | 1.3 | formal | March 2019 |
Trading Object Service | TRADE | 1.0 | formal | June 2000 |
Transaction Service | TRANS | 1.4 | formal | September 2003 |
UML Human-Usable Textual Notation | HUTN™ | 1.0 | formal | August 2004 |
UML Profile for BPMN Processes | BPMNProfile™ | 1.0 | formal | July 2014 |
UML Profile for CORBA Components | CCMP™ | 1.0 | formal | July 2005 |
UML Profile for Enterprise Application Integration | EAI™ | 1.0 | formal | March 2004 |
UML Profile for Enterprise Distributed Object Computing | EDOC™ | 1.0 | formal | February 2004 |
UML Profile for MARTE | MARTE | 1.2 | formal | April 2019 |
UML Profile for Modeling QoS and FT | QFTP | 1.1 | formal | April 2008 |
UML Profile for NIEM | NIEM-UML™ | 3.0 | formal | April 2017 |
UML Profile for ROSETTA | UPR | 1.0 | formal | January 2019 |
UML Profile for Schedulability, Performance, & Time | SPTP™ | 1.1 | formal | January 2005 |
UML Profile for System on a Chip | SoCP™ | 1.0.1 | formal | August 2006 |
UML Profile for Telecommunication Services | TelcoML™ | 1.0 | formal | July 2013 |
UML Profile for Voice-based Applications | VOICP™ | 1.0 | formal | April 2008 |
UML Testing Profile 2 | UTP2 | 2.0 | formal | December 2018 |
Unified Architecture Framework | UAF | 1.0 | formal | October 2017 |
Unified Component Model for Distributed, Real-Time and Embedded Systems | UCM | 1.1 | formal | January 2019 |
Unified Modeling Language | UML® | 2.4.1 | formal | July 2011 |
Unified POS | UPOS | 1.15.1 | formal | December 2024 |
Unified Profile for DoDAF and MODAF | UPDM™ | 2.1.1 | formal | May 2017 |
Utility Management Systems Data Access Facility | UMS™ | 2.0.1 | formal | June 2005 |
VSIPL | VSIPL® | 1.5 | formal | August 2014 |
VSIPL++ | VSIPL++ | 1.3 | formal | August 2014 |
Value Delivery Modeling Language | VDML™ | 1.1 | formal | March 2018 |
Web Services for Point of Sale | WS-POS | 1.3.1 beta 2 | beta | March 2019 |
Web-Enabled DDS | DDS-WEB | 1.0 | formal | February 2016 |
Wireless Access and Terminal Mobility | WATM™ | 1.2 | formal | May 2005 |
Workflow Management Facility | WfMF | 1.2 | formal | May 2000 |
XML Metadata Interchange | XMI® | 2.5.1 | formal | June 2015 |
XML Telemetric & Command Exchange Format | XTCE™ | 1.2 | formal | October 2018 |
XTCE US Govt Satellite Conformance Profile | XUSP™ | 1.0 | formal | May 2015 |
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