The "acronym" link navigates to the latest version of the specification, this link changes whenever a new version of the specification is published.
The "Version" link navigates to the specific version.

Name Acronym Version Status Publication Date
Total: 70
Abstract Syntax Tree Metamodel ASTM™ 1.0 formal January 2011
Action Language for Foundational UML ALF 1.1 formal June 2017
Addl Structuring Mechanisms for OTS OTS 1.0 formal September 2002
Business Process Model and Notation BPMN™ 2.0.2 formal January 2014
C Language Mapping C 1.0 formal July 1999
C++ Language Mapping CPP 1.3 formal July 2012
COBOL Language Mapping COBOL 1.0 formal July 1999
CORBA Embedded CORBAe 1.0 formal November 2008
Case Management Model and Notation CMMN™ 1.1 formal December 2016
Collection Service COLL™ 1.0.1 formal August 2002
Common Object Request Broker Architecture CORBA® 3.2 formal October 2011
Common Warehouse Metamodel CWM™ 1.1 formal March 2003
Computer Aided Design Services CAD 1.2 formal January 2005
Currency Service CURR 1.0 formal June 2000
Date-Time Vocabulary DTV™ 1.3 formal May 2017
Decision Model and Notation DMN™ 1.5 formal August 2024
Diagram Definition DD™ 1.1 formal August 2015
Externalization Service EXT 1.0 formal June 2000
FACE Profile for UAF FACE 1.0 formal April 2023
IDL to Java Language Mapping I2JAV 1.3 formal December 2007
Interface Definition Language IDL 4.2 formal March 2018
Internationalization and Time ITFAC™ 1.0 formal January 2000
Interworking Between CORBA and TMN Systems TMN™ 1.0 formal August 2000
Java to IDL Language Mapping JAV2I 1.4 formal January 2008
Knowledge Discovery Metamodel KDM 1.4 formal December 2016
Lexicon Query Service LQS 1.0 formal June 2000
Licensing Service LIC™ 1.0 formal June 2000
Life Cycle Service LFCYC™ 1.2 formal September 2002
Life Sciences Identifiers LIS 1.0 formal December 2004
MOF Query/View/Transformation QVT™ 1.3 formal June 2016
MOF2 Versioning and Development Lifecycle MOFVD™ 2.0 formal May 2007
Management of Event Domains MED 1.0 formal June 2001
Meta Object Facility MOF™ 2.5.1 formal October 2016
Mobile Agent Facility MOBFAC™ 1.0 formal January 2000
Model Driven Message Interoperability MDMI® 2.0 beta beta January 2021
Model for Performance-driven Government MPG 1.0 formal December 2013
Notification Service NOT 1.1 formal September 2004
OMG System Modeling Language SysML® 2.0 beta 2 beta April 2024
Object Constraint Language OCL™ 2.4 formal February 2014
Ontology Definition Metamodel ODM™ 1.1 formal September 2014
P & C Data Model For Property And Casualty Insurance PC 1.0 formal October 2014
PL/1 Language Mapping PL1 1.0 formal September 2002
Persistent State Service PSS™ 1.0 formal June 2000
Precise Semantics of UML Composite Structures PSCS™ 1.2 formal June 2019
Product Lifecycle Management Services PLM 2.1 formal May 2011
Quality of Service for CCM QOSCCM™ 1.1 formal September 2008
Relationship Service REL 1.0 formal June 2000
Requirements Interchange Format ReqIF™ 1.2 formal July 2016
Reusable Asset RAS 2.2 formal November 2005
Security Service SEC 1.8 formal March 2002
Semantics of a Foundational Subset for Executable UML Models FUML™ 1.4 formal December 2018
Shared Data Model and Notation SDMN 1.0 beta 2 beta June 2024
Software & Systems Process Engineering Metamodel SPEM™ 2.0 formal April 2008
Systems Modeling API and Services SystemsModelingAPI 1.0 beta 2 beta April 2024
Time Service TIME 1.1 formal May 2002
Transaction Service TRANS 1.4 formal September 2003
UML Diagram Interchange UMLDI 1.0 formal April 2006
UML Human-Usable Textual Notation HUTN™ 1.0 formal August 2004
UML Profile for Enterprise Application Integration EAI™ 1.0 formal March 2004
UML Profile for Enterprise Distributed Object Computing EDOC™ 1.0 formal February 2004
UML Profile for MARTE MARTE 1.2 formal April 2019
UML Profile for Schedulability, Performance, & Time SPTP™ 1.1 formal January 2005
UML Profile for Voice-based Applications VOICP™ 1.0 formal April 2008
Unified Architecture Framework UAF 1.1 formal April 2020
Unified Modeling Language UML® 2.4.1 formal July 2011
Unified POS UPOS 1.15 beta 2 beta May 2019
Unified Profile for DoDAF and MODAF UPDM™ 2.1.1 formal May 2017
Workflow Management Facility WfMF 1.2 formal May 2000
XML Metadata Interchange XMI® 2.5.1 formal June 2015
XML Valuetype Language Mapping XML 1.0 formal November 2002