// copyright 2021 BAE Systems, Object Management Group Inc #ifndef DATAMODELPLANEXECUTIONDEFVAR #define DATAMODELPLANEXECUTIONDEFVAR #include "TacticalPicture.idl" #include "EntityPayload.idl" #include "Util.idl" #include "Utils.idl" module DataModel { // The Plan Execution package of the Data Model defines the generic concepts // necessary to recommend, execute and amend tactical plans. Domain and system // specific concepts are abstracted using the Descriptor extension mechanism. module PlanExecution { // Enumeration of specialisations options for union class Capability. enum CapabilityKind { // EngineeringCapability option for Capability ENGINEERING_CAPABILITY_KIND, // FireCapability option for Capability FIRE_CAPABILITY_KIND, // MobilityCapability option for Capability MOBILITY_CAPABILITY_KIND, // OperationalCapability option for Capability OPERATIONAL_CAPABILITY_KIND, // SurveillanceCapability option for Capability SURVEILLANCE_CAPABILITY_KIND, // TransmissionCapability option for Capability TRANSMISSION_CAPABILITY_KIND }; // Enumeration of specialisations options for union class Derivation. enum DerivationKind { // DerivationCategory option for Derivation DERIVATION_CATEGORY_KIND, // DerivationProvenance option for Derivation DERIVATION_PROVENANCE_KIND }; // Derivation conforming to the W3C PROV recommendation struct DerivationProvenance { // The entity pertaining to the derivation in the corresponding provenance resource, // conforming to the W3C PROV recommendation. DataPayload::Util::URI provenanceEntity; // The provenance resource conforming to the W3C PROV recommendation, containing the // provenance metadata for the derivation DataPayload::Util::URL provenanceResource; }; // A vehicle primarily for traveling on land struct LandVehicle { // The radius of the land vehicle's tightest turning circle. DataPayload::Util::Distance minTurningRadius; // Whether the land vehicle can be driven off-road. More granular off-road // capabilities are specified using the mobility capability specialization. boolean offRoadCapable; // The land vehicle is legal for driving on the roads (in the territory applicable // to the current system context). boolean roadLegal; }; // Equipment to be deployed in the maritime environment from surface or subsurface // vessels. Maritime equipment do not encompass an entire vessel. The inherited // owner-resource self-association relation from the parent Resource class applies // between the Vessel and MaritimeEquipment classes. struct MaritimeEquipment { // Where a resource denotes a set of items this attribute specifies how many there // are. A default of 1 is used for single items. long collectionSize; }; // Enumeration of specialisations options for union class PlanExecutionConstituent. enum PlanExecutionConstituentKind { // Plan option for PlanExecutionConstituent PLAN_KIND, // ResourceTasking option for PlanExecutionConstituent RESOURCE_TASKING_KIND, // TaskObjective option for PlanExecutionConstituent TASK_OBJECTIVE_KIND }; // Enumeration of specialisations options for union class ResourceProperties. enum ResourcePropertiesKind { // base option for ResourceProperties RESOURCE_PROPERTIES_BASE_KIND, // ElectronicEquipment option for ResourceProperties ELECTRONIC_EQUIPMENT_KIND, // MaritimeEquipment option for ResourceProperties MARITIME_EQUIPMENT_KIND, // Vehicle option for ResourceProperties VEHICLE_KIND }; struct TargetCapability { // A category of target for which the resource has a Fire Capability DataModel::TacticalPicture::ClassificationDescriptor classification; // The nominal likelihood that an engagement with the specified target will be // successful. MetaModel::DataModel::Utils::Percentage successLikelihood; }; // Enumeration of specialisations options for union class Vehicle. enum VehicleKind { // base option for Vehicle VEHICLE_BASE_KIND, // Aircraft option for Vehicle AIRCRAFT_KIND, // Amphibious option for Vehicle AMPHIBIOUS_KIND, // LandVehicle option for Vehicle LAND_VEHICLE_KIND, // Space option for Vehicle SPACE_KIND, // Vessel option for Vehicle VESSEL_KIND }; // Enumeration of specialisations options for union class Vessel. enum VesselKind { // base option for Vessel VESSEL_BASE_KIND, // SubsurfaceVessel option for Vessel SUBSURFACE_VESSEL_KIND, // SurfaceVessel option for Vessel SURFACE_VESSEL_KIND }; // An abstraction of the categories of ammunition struct AmmunitionCategory { // Prefix for the schema from which the value is drawn string schemaPrefix; // Value from the schema denoted by the prefix string value; }; // An abstraction of the categories of ammunition caliber. struct CaliberCategory { // Prefix for the schema from which the value is drawn string schemaPrefix; // Value from the schema denoted by the prefix string value; }; // An abstraction of the categories of capabilities struct CapabilityCategory { // Prefix for the schema from which the value is drawn string schemaPrefix; // Value from the schema denoted by the prefix string value; }; // A datatype with a platform specific mapping to represent a reference to a // Capability. A reference is a unique identifier within the scope of the Plan // Execution component implementing this specification. typedef string CapabilityRef; // A reference to a Plan Execution Constituent. A reference is a unique identifier // within the scope of the Plan Execution component implementing this specification. typedef string ConstituentRef; // An abstraction of the categories of dependencies struct DependencyCategory { // Prefix for the schema from which the value is drawn string schemaPrefix; // Value from the schema denoted by the prefix string value; }; // System specific description of the derivation of the associated data struct DerivationDescriptor { // Prefix for the schema from which the value is drawn string schemaPrefix; // Value from the schema denoted by the prefix string value; }; // An abstraction of additional sub-categories of plan status; each sub-category // logically maps to a specific plan state struct ExtendedPlanStatus { // Prefix for the schema from which the value is drawn string schemaPrefix; // Value from the schema denoted by the prefix string value; }; // An abstraction of the categories of intent. struct IntentDescriptor { // Prefix for the schema from which the value is drawn string schemaPrefix; // Value from the schema denoted by the prefix string value; }; // An abstraction of the categories of task objectives. struct ObjectiveCategory { // Prefix for the schema from which the value is drawn string schemaPrefix; // Value from the schema denoted by the prefix string value; }; struct CurrentCapability { CapabilityRef capabilityId; // A quantitative description of the Capability MetaModel::DataModel::Utils::Quantifier quantifier; }; // An abstraction of the categories of orbits in space struct OrbitCategory { // Prefix for the schema from which the value is drawn string schemaPrefix; // Value from the schema denoted by the prefix string value; }; // Representation of the state machine for plan constituents. enum PlanExecutionConstituentState { // The plan constituent has been created but is not yet being executed PLANNED, // The plan constituent has been started but terminated and has been resumed after // any pause. EXECUTING, // The plan constituent has been paused, but not yet resumed after being executed. PAUSED, // The plan constituent has been terminated after being executed. TERMINATED }; // An abstraction of the categories of plans. struct PlanType { // Prefix for the schema from which the value is drawn string schemaPrefix; // Value from the schema denoted by the prefix string value; }; // An abstraction of the categories of readiness struct ReadinessDescriptor { // Prefix for the schema from which the value is drawn string schemaPrefix; // Value from the schema denoted by the prefix string value; }; // An abstraction of the categories of resources. struct ResourceCategory { // Prefix for the schema from which the value is drawn string schemaPrefix; // Value from the schema denoted by the prefix string value; }; // A datatype with a platform specific mapping to represent a reference to a // Resource. A reference is a unique identifier within the scope of the Plan // Execution component implementing this specification. typedef string ResourceRef; // An abstraction of the categories of specifications struct SpecificationDescriptor { // Prefix for the schema from which the value is drawn string schemaPrefix; // Value from the schema denoted by the prefix string value; }; // An abstraction of the categories of tasking activity a resource can undertake. struct TaskingActivity { // Prefix for the schema from which the value is drawn string schemaPrefix; // Value from the schema denoted by the prefix string value; }; // a simple union type, to represent an optional value union AircraftMaxOperatingAltitude switch (boolean) { // the value when present case TRUE : DataPayload::Util::Distance value; }; // a simple union type, to represent an optional value union AircraftStallSpeed switch (boolean) { // the value when present case TRUE : DataPayload::Util::Speed value; }; // a simple union type, to represent an optional value union AmphibiousMaxOperatingDepth switch (boolean) { // the value when present case TRUE : DataPayload::Util::Distance value; }; // a simple union type, to represent an optional value union AmphibiousMaxSeaState switch (boolean) { // the value when present case TRUE : short value; }; // a simple union type, to represent an optional value union AmphibiousMinOperatingDepth switch (boolean) { // the value when present case TRUE : DataPayload::Util::Distance value; }; // A sequence type, to represent multiple values. typedef sequence DependencyQuantifier; // a simple union type, to represent an optional value union EnduranceConsumptionRate switch (boolean) { // the value when present case TRUE : MetaModel::DataModel::Utils::Quantifier value; }; // a simple union type, to represent an optional value union EnduranceFuelLevel switch (boolean) { // the value when present case TRUE : MetaModel::DataModel::Utils::Quantifier value; }; // a simple union type, to represent an optional value union EnduranceScheduledRefueling switch (boolean) { // the value when present case TRUE : DataPayload::Util::DateTime value; }; // a simple union type, to represent an optional value union EndurancePropertiesConsumptionRate switch (boolean) { // the value when present case TRUE : MetaModel::DataModel::Utils::Quantifier value; }; // A system specific categorical derivation struct DerivationCategory { DerivationDescriptor value; }; // a simple union type, to represent an optional value union EndurancePropertiesFuelCapacity switch (boolean) { // the value when present case TRUE : MetaModel::DataModel::Utils::Quantifier value; }; // a simple union type, to represent an optional value union EndurancePropertiesPeakConsumptionRate switch (boolean) { // the value when present case TRUE : MetaModel::DataModel::Utils::Quantifier value; }; // a simple union type, to represent an optional value union EngineeringCapabilityOutputRate switch (boolean) { // the value when present case TRUE : MetaModel::DataModel::Utils::Quantifier value; }; // A sequence type, to represent multiple values. typedef sequence EngineeringCapabilityTargetClassification; // a simple union type, to represent an optional value union FireCapabilityMaxFireRate switch (boolean) { // the value when present case TRUE : MetaModel::DataModel::Utils::Quantifier value; }; // a simple union type, to represent an optional value union FireCapabilityEngagementZoneId switch (boolean) { // the value when present case TRUE : DataPayload::Util::URI value; }; // a simple union type, to represent an optional value union MobilityCapabilityMaxLoadVolume switch (boolean) { // the value when present case TRUE : MetaModel::DataModel::Utils::Quantifier value; }; // a simple union type, to represent an optional value union MobilityCapabilityMaxLoadWeight switch (boolean) { // the value when present case TRUE : MetaModel::DataModel::Utils::Quantifier value; }; // a simple union type, to represent an optional value union MobilityCapabilityMaxPassengers switch (boolean) { // the value when present case TRUE : short value; }; // a simple union type, to represent an optional value union OperationalCapabilityOperatingAreaId switch (boolean) { // the value when present case TRUE : DataPayload::Util::URI value; }; // A sequence type, to represent multiple values. typedef sequence PlanSubPlanId; // A sequence type, to represent multiple values. typedef sequence PlanConstraintId; // A sequence type, to represent multiple values. typedef sequence PlanObjectiveId; // a simple union type, to represent an optional value union PlanLocationId switch (boolean) { // the value when present case TRUE : string value; }; // a simple union type, to represent an optional value union PlanExecutionConstituentProgress switch (boolean) { // the value when present case TRUE : MetaModel::DataModel::Utils::Percentage value; }; // a simple union type, to represent an optional value union PlanExecutionConstituentTimeSpan switch (boolean) { // the value when present case TRUE : DataPayload::Util::Period value; }; // a simple union type, to represent an optional value union ResourceEntity switch (boolean) { // the value when present case TRUE : DataPayload::EntityPayload::EntityRef value; }; // a simple union type, to represent an optional value union ResourceWeight switch (boolean) { // the value when present case TRUE : MetaModel::DataModel::Utils::Quantifier value; }; // a simple union type, to represent an optional value union ResourceCurrentPlanId switch (boolean) { // the value when present case TRUE : string value; }; // a simple union type, to represent an optional value union ResourceCurrentObjectiveId switch (boolean) { // the value when present case TRUE : string value; }; // A sequence type, to represent multiple values. typedef sequence ResourceCurrentTaskId; // a simple union type, to represent an optional value union ResourceTaskingObjectiveId switch (boolean) { // the value when present case TRUE : string value; }; // a simple union type, to represent an optional value union SubsurfaceVesselMaxOperatingDepth switch (boolean) { // the value when present case TRUE : DataPayload::Util::Distance value; }; // a simple union type, to represent an optional value union SurfaceVesselMaxSeaState switch (boolean) { // the value when present case TRUE : short value; }; // a simple union type, to represent an optional value union SurveillanceCapabilityCapacity switch (boolean) { // the value when present case TRUE : short value; }; // a simple union type, to represent an optional value union SurveillanceCapabilityReportingRate switch (boolean) { // the value when present case TRUE : MetaModel::DataModel::Utils::Quantifier value; }; // A sequence type, to represent multiple values. typedef sequence SurveillanceCapabilityTargetClassification; // a simple union type, to represent an optional value union SurveillanceCapabilityCoverageAreaId switch (boolean) { // the value when present case TRUE : DataPayload::Util::URI value; }; // a simple union type, to represent an optional value union TaskObjectiveEntityObject switch (boolean) { // the value when present case TRUE : DataPayload::EntityPayload::EntityRef value; }; // a simple union type, to represent an optional value union TaskObjectivePriority switch (boolean) { // the value when present case TRUE : MetaModel::DataModel::Utils::Percentage value; }; // A sequence type, to represent multiple values. typedef sequence TaskObjectiveTaskingId; // a simple union type, to represent an optional value union TaskObjectiveOwningPlanId switch (boolean) { // the value when present case TRUE : string value; }; // A sequence type, to represent multiple values. typedef sequence TransmissionCapabilityDataClassification; // a simple union type, to represent an optional value union TransmissionCapabilityDataRate switch (boolean) { // the value when present case TRUE : MetaModel::DataModel::Utils::Quantifier value; }; // a simple union type, to represent an optional value union TransmissionCapabilityPower switch (boolean) { // the value when present case TRUE : MetaModel::DataModel::Utils::Quantifier value; }; // A sequence type, to represent multiple values. typedef sequence TransmissionCapabilityProtocol; // a simple union type, to represent an optional value union TransmissionCapabilityCoverageAreaId switch (boolean) { // the value when present case TRUE : DataPayload::Util::URI value; }; // a simple union type, to represent an optional value union VehicleCruisingSpeed switch (boolean) { // the value when present case TRUE : DataPayload::Util::Speed value; }; // a simple union type, to represent an optional value union VehicleMaxSpeed switch (boolean) { // the value when present case TRUE : DataPayload::Util::Speed value; }; // a simple union type, to represent an optional value union VehicleTurnRate switch (boolean) { // the value when present case TRUE : float value; }; // a simple union type, to represent an optional value union VesselMinOperatingDepth switch (boolean) { // the value when present case TRUE : DataPayload::Util::Distance value; }; // A resource beyond the Earth's atmosphere struct Space { // The kind of orbit or trajectory that the space resource is on OrbitCategory orbit; }; // Description of the ammunition associated with a fire capability. Here, ammunition // generalizes to include bombs, torpedoes, decoys and missiles. struct Ammunition { // An extensible description of the ammunition caliber (i.e. size). CaliberCategory caliber; // An extensible categorization of the ammunition type AmmunitionCategory category; // An extensibility mechanism for system specific ammunition attributes. MetaModel::DataModel::Utils::AdditionalData extendedData; string Id; }; // Struct of base attributes defined for class Capability. struct CapabilityBase { // An extensible categorization of the kind of capability being described. CapabilityCategory category; // An extensibility mechanism for system specific capability attributes. MetaModel::DataModel::Utils::AdditionalData extendedData; // The unique identifier for the instance. #ifdef DDS_XTYPES @Key CapabilityRef id; #else CapabilityRef id; #endif }; // Union of the specialisations for class Derivation. // An abstract class for derivation metadata union Derivation switch (DerivationKind) { // DerivationCategory option for Derivation case DERIVATION_CATEGORY_KIND : DerivationCategory derivationCategory; // DerivationProvenance option for Derivation case DERIVATION_PROVENANCE_KIND : DerivationProvenance derivationProvenance; }; // A sequence type, to represent multiple values. typedef sequence FireCapabilityTarget; // A resource operating underwater struct SubsurfaceVessel { // The operating limit of the subsurface vehicle with respect to depth in the water SubsurfaceVesselMaxOperatingDepth maxOperatingDepth; }; // A resource operating on water. struct SurfaceVessel { // The maximum sea state in which the Surface Vessel can operate specified in terms // of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) sea state code - range 0 .. 9. SurfaceVesselMaxSeaState maxSeaState; }; // Struct of base attributes defined for class Vessel. struct VesselBase { // The vessel resource's operating limit with respect to shallow water VesselMinOperatingDepth minOperatingDepth; }; // a simple union type, to represent an optional value union PlanPlanType switch (boolean) { // the value when present case TRUE : PlanType value; }; // A sequence type, to represent multiple values. typedef sequence ElectronicEquipmentApi; // An airborne resource struct Aircraft { // The maximum altitude (barometric) at which the aircraft is able to operate AircraftMaxOperatingAltitude maxOperatingAltitude; // The minimum speed for the aircraft resource to operate below which it risks a // stall. AircraftStallSpeed stallSpeed; }; // A sequence type, to represent multiple values. typedef sequence ResourceCurrentCapability; // A sequence type, to represent multiple values. typedef sequence OperationalCapabilitySupportingResourceId; // A sequence type, to represent multiple values. typedef sequence PlanRequiredResourceId; // A sequence type, to represent multiple values. typedef sequence ResourceResourceId; // a simple union type, to represent an optional value union ResourceOwnerId switch (boolean) { // the value when present case TRUE : ResourceRef value; }; // A resource whose primary capabilities relate to its electronic components. struct ElectronicEquipment { // The set of interfaces standards that the equipment supports through which // integrated functionality can be delivered to Plan Execution. ElectronicEquipmentApi api; }; // A capability to build, maintain, breach or demolish structures or infrastructure // in the operational environment struct EngineeringCapability { // The nominal rate at which the engineering capability can be delivered. EngineeringCapabilityOutputRate outputRate; // The categories of object to which the Engineering Capability can be applied. EngineeringCapabilityTargetClassification targetClassification; }; struct Amphibious { // The operating limit of the amphibious vehicle with respect to depth in the water AmphibiousMaxOperatingDepth maxOperatingDepth; // The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) sea state code - range 0 .. 9. AmphibiousMaxSeaState maxSeaState; // The amphibious resource's operating limit with respect to shallow water AmphibiousMinOperatingDepth minOperatingDepth; // The radius of the amphibious vehicle's tightest turning circle. DataPayload::Util::Distance minTurningRadius; // Whether the amphibious vehicle can be driven off-road. More granular off-road // capabilities are specified using the mobility capability specialization. boolean offRoadCapable; // The amphibious vehicle is legal for driving on the roads (in the territory // applicable to the current system context). boolean roadLegal; }; struct ResourceMetaData { // A description of the means by which the data for the Resource Property's // attributes were derived. This includes sensing, communication routes and human // input. Derivation derivation; // The unit used to defined the Resources distance properties DataPayload::Util::DistanceUnit distanceUnit; // The unit used to define the Resource's speed properties DataPayload::Util::SpeedUnit speedUnit; ResourceRef Id; }; // This class encapsulates the static, persistent endurance properties of a // resource. struct EnduranceProperties { // The nominal or mean (as defined by the descriptor) rate at which the fuel is // consumed. EndurancePropertiesConsumptionRate consumptionRate; // Additional static information related to the Resource's Endurance MetaModel::DataModel::Utils::AdditionalData extendedData; // The maximum quantity of fuel that can be stored EndurancePropertiesFuelCapacity fuelCapacity; // The peak rate of fuel consumption EndurancePropertiesPeakConsumptionRate peakConsumptionRate; }; // Operational capability describes the overall capabilities of a resource // comprising its associated personnel and equipment. It accounts for training, // readiness and equipment status. struct OperationalCapability { // The organizational level at which the operational capability is intended to be // performed MetaModel::DataModel::Utils::Descriptor level; // The area to which the operational capability applies OperationalCapabilityOperatingAreaId operatingAreaId; // The Resources that support the Operational Capability of the composing Resource OperationalCapabilitySupportingResourceId supportingResourceId; }; // An ability to transport objects and personnel. struct MobilityCapability { // The maximum load by volume (including passengers) that the Mobility Capability // can transport. MobilityCapabilityMaxLoadVolume maxLoadVolume; // The maximum load by weight (including passengers) that the Mobility Capability // can transport. MobilityCapabilityMaxLoadWeight maxLoadWeight; // The maximum number of passengers that can be transported MobilityCapabilityMaxPassengers maxPassengers; }; // This class represents a dependent linkage between two resources or of a resource // on a particular capability. struct Dependency { // This is an extensible categorization of the type of dependency. DependencyCategory category; // The Resource satisfying the dependency ResourceRef dependentResourceId; // The Capability satisfying the dependency CapabilityRef dependentCapabilityId; // A quantitative description of the dependency DependencyQuantifier quantifier; }; // An ability to apply physical effect towards an adversary. struct FireCapability { FireCapabilityMaxFireRate maxFireRate; // The Shaped Entity (or collection thereof) representing the spatial extent of the // Fire Capability. This includes any applicable minimum and maximum ranges as well // as blind arcs. FireCapabilityEngagementZoneId engagementZoneId; // The applicable categories of target for the Fire Capability FireCapabilityTarget target; }; // Resource Tasking is a Resource's contribution to a Task Objective struct ResourceTasking { // An extensible categorization of the activity that the resource has been tasked to // undertake. TaskingActivity activity; // The Resource that is undertaking the Task ResourceRef resourceId; // The Resource's Capability that is required for the Task CapabilityRef capabilityMeansId; // The intended objective to which the tasking of a Resource contributes ResourceTaskingObjectiveId objectiveId; }; // A sequence type, to represent multiple values. typedef sequence ResourceDependency; // This class encapsulates the dynamic endurance properties of a resource. struct Endurance { // The current rate at which the fuel is consumed. EnduranceConsumptionRate consumptionRate; // A description of the means by which the data for the Resource's Endurance // attributes were derived. This includes sensing, communication routes and human // input. Derivation derivation; // Additional dynamic information related to the Resource's Endurance MetaModel::DataModel::Utils::AdditionalData extendedData; // The current quantity of fuel available EnduranceFuelLevel fuelLevel; // The time at which more fuel is scheduled to be available EnduranceScheduledRefueling scheduledRefueling; // The time for which the attributes of the Endurance class are valid. DataPayload::Util::DateTime timeOfValidity; }; // Union of the variant attributes for the specialisations for class Vessel. // A waterborne resource union VesselVariants switch (VesselKind) { // SubsurfaceVessel option for Vessel case SUBSURFACE_VESSEL_KIND : SubsurfaceVessel subsurfaceVessel; // SurfaceVessel option for Vessel case SURFACE_VESSEL_KIND : SurfaceVessel surfaceVessel; }; // Struct of base attributes defined for class PlanExecutionConstituent. struct PlanExecutionConstituentBase { // The extensible detailed categorization of the state of the plan execution // constituent. ExtendedPlanStatus extendedStatus; // The unique identifier for the instance #ifdef DDS_XTYPES @Key ConstituentRef id; #else ConstituentRef id; #endif // The originator of the PlanExecutionConstituent. This is the component that // instigated the creation of the instance. DataPayload::Util::URI originator; // The proportion of the plan execution constituent's objectives that have been // achieved. PlanExecutionConstituentProgress progress; // The state of the plan constituent according to the PlanExecutionConstituent state // machine PlanExecutionConstituentState state; // The time during which the plan execution constituent is expected to be executed. PlanExecutionConstituentTimeSpan timeSpan; }; // A capability to sense or observe objects in the operational environment. struct SurveillanceCapability { // The number of objects that the Surveillance Capability can continuously monitor. SurveillanceCapabilityCapacity capacity; // A qualitative description of the band in which the Surveillance Capability // operates MetaModel::DataModel::Utils::Descriptor operatingBand; SurveillanceCapabilityReportingRate reportingRate; // The categories of object which the Surveillance Capability can detect SurveillanceCapabilityTargetClassification targetClassification; // The Shaped Entity (or collection thereof) representing the Capability's // surveillance coverage. SurveillanceCapabilityCoverageAreaId coverageAreaId; }; // a simple union type, to represent an optional value union ResourceEndurance switch (boolean) { // the value when present case TRUE : Endurance value; }; // A capability for the electronic transmission of data (including voice and video). struct TransmissionCapability { // The classification of information supported by the capability TransmissionCapabilityDataClassification dataClassification; // The rate at which the Transmission Capability can transmit data TransmissionCapabilityDataRate dataRate; // A qualitative description of the band in which the Transmission Capability // operates MetaModel::DataModel::Utils::Descriptor operatingBand; // The nominal output TransmissionCapabilityPower power; // The transmission protocols supported by the capability. TransmissionCapabilityProtocol protocol; TransmissionCapabilityCoverageAreaId coverageAreaId; }; // A Task Objective represents the discrete intent with respect to a particular // Entity from the tactical picture within the context of an overall Plan struct TaskObjective { // An extensible categorization of the kind of tasking objective set. ObjectiveCategory category; // Extensible, additional system and/or domain specific description of the tasking // objective MetaModel::DataModel::Utils::Detail detail; // The Entity from the tactical picture to which the intent of the Task Objective is // directed. TaskObjectiveEntityObject entityObject; // Extensible categorization of the kind of effect intended with respect to the // object of the tasking IntentDescriptor intent; // Optional prioritization of task objectives. HIgher precentages reflect higher // priorities. The values for all objectives for a plan are not required to sum to // 100%. TaskObjectivePriority priority; // The tasks to be undertaken by Resources to achieve the objective TaskObjectiveTaskingId taskingId; // The plan of which the Task Objective is a component part TaskObjectiveOwningPlanId owningPlanId; }; // Struct of base attributes defined for class Vehicle. struct VehicleBase { // The optimum speed, for planning purposes, at which the vehicle transits between // locations. VehicleCruisingSpeed cruisingSpeed; // The maximum speed that at which the vehicle can move VehicleMaxSpeed maxSpeed; // The rate at which the vehicle can maneuver to change its heading within the // horizontal plane (for planning purposes). VehicleTurnRate turnRate; // The static properties of the Vehicle's Endurance EnduranceProperties endurance; }; struct Vessel { // base option for Vessel VesselBase vesselBase; // variant options for Vessel VesselVariants vesselVariants; }; // Operation to obtain the information relating to the plan constituent reference // This interface contains operations that give a Tactical Decision Aid access to // information about the execution of plan constituents. A Tactical Decision Aid can // add and remove listeners as well as reading the information about individual plan // constituents or all or a filtered subset of plan constituents. // The interfaces to allow Tactical Decision Aids to receive Plan Information // A Plan represents an aggregated set of objectives and the resources and tasking // to achieve them. struct Plan { // The extensible categorization of the type of plan PlanPlanType planType; // The Resources that are needed to undertake the Plan PlanRequiredResourceId requiredResourceId; // The plan owning the component sub-plans // The component Plans of which the owning Plan is comprised. PlanSubPlanId subPlanId; // Entities that represent constraints to the plan PlanConstraintId constraintId; // The tasking objectives of the Plan PlanObjectiveId objectiveId; // An entity that represents the geographic properties of the Plan PlanLocationId locationId; // The plan owning the component sub-plans // The component Plans of which the owning Plan is comprised. string owningPlanId; }; #ifndef DDS_XTYPES #pragma keylist Plan #endif // Union of the variant attributes for the specialisations for class Vehicle. // A resource with its own movement capabilities union VehicleVariants switch (VehicleKind) { // Aircraft option for Vehicle case AIRCRAFT_KIND : Aircraft aircraft; // Amphibious option for Vehicle case AMPHIBIOUS_KIND : Amphibious amphibious; // LandVehicle option for Vehicle case LAND_VEHICLE_KIND : LandVehicle landVehicle; // Space option for Vehicle case SPACE_KIND : Space space; // Vessel option for Vehicle case VESSEL_KIND : Vessel vessel; }; // Union of the variant attributes for the specialisations for class PlanExecutionConstituent. // The plan to which to apply the filter // This operation is the client's implementation of a filtering query for plan // constituents // This is an interface through which a client can define Queries on plan // constituents so as to filter the information returned. // An abstract class for constituent elements of tactical plan execution union PlanExecutionConstituentVariants switch (PlanExecutionConstituentKind) { // Plan option for PlanExecutionConstituent case PLAN_KIND : Plan plan; // ResourceTasking option for PlanExecutionConstituent case RESOURCE_TASKING_KIND : ResourceTasking resourceTasking; // TaskObjective option for PlanExecutionConstituent case TASK_OBJECTIVE_KIND : TaskObjective taskObjective; }; struct Vehicle { // base option for Vehicle VehicleBase vehicleBase; // variant options for Vehicle VehicleVariants vehicleVariants; }; // Union of the variant attributes for the specialisations for class Capability. // A Capability is an abstraction of a Resource's fundamental properties with // respect to its ability to undertake tasks union CapabilityVariants switch (CapabilityKind) { // EngineeringCapability option for Capability case ENGINEERING_CAPABILITY_KIND : EngineeringCapability engineeringCapability; // FireCapability option for Capability case FIRE_CAPABILITY_KIND : FireCapability fireCapability; // MobilityCapability option for Capability case MOBILITY_CAPABILITY_KIND : MobilityCapability mobilityCapability; // OperationalCapability option for Capability case OPERATIONAL_CAPABILITY_KIND : OperationalCapability operationalCapability; // SurveillanceCapability option for Capability case SURVEILLANCE_CAPABILITY_KIND : SurveillanceCapability surveillanceCapability; // TransmissionCapability option for Capability case TRANSMISSION_CAPABILITY_KIND : TransmissionCapability transmissionCapability; }; struct PlanExecutionConstituent { // base option for PlanExecutionConstituent PlanExecutionConstituentBase planExecutionConstituentBase; // variant options for PlanExecutionConstituent PlanExecutionConstituentVariants planExecutionConstituentVariants; }; #ifndef DDS_XTYPES #pragma keylist PlanExecutionConstituent planExecutionConstituentBase.id #endif struct Capability { // base option for Capability CapabilityBase capabilityBase; // variant options for Capability CapabilityVariants capabilityVariants; }; // Operation to obtain the information relating to the Resource reference // This interface contains operations that give a Tactical Decision Aid access to // information about resources that can execute plans. A Tactical Decision Aid can // add and remove listeners as well as reading the information about individual // resources or all or a filtered subset of resources. // The interfaces to allow Tactical Decision Aids to receive Resource Information // A Resource is an abstraction of a physical entity that can be independently // tasked to achieve an objective. struct Resource { // A description of the means by which the data for the Resource's attributes were // derived. This includes sensing, communication routes and human input. Derivation derivation; // A reference to the entity representing the resource in the tactical picture ResourceEntity entity; // Additional dynamic information related to the Resource MetaModel::DataModel::Utils::AdditionalData extendedData; // The unique identifier for the instance #ifdef DDS_XTYPES @Key ResourceRef id; #else ResourceRef id; #endif // The extensible categorization of the readiness of resource (the extent to which // resource is ready and available to be tasked to employ its capabilities). ReadinessDescriptor readiness; // The time for which the attributes of the Resource class are valid. DataPayload::Util::DateTime timeOfValidity; // The current weight of the Resource ResourceWeight weight; // The static properties for this resource ResourceRef propertiesId; // The Plan to which the Resource is currently working ResourceCurrentPlanId currentPlanId; // The Resource that aggregates, commands and controls multiple constituents // Resources // The Resources that are constituents of a higher-order aggregate Resource ResourceResourceId resourceId; // The objective that the Resource is currently working on ResourceCurrentObjectiveId currentObjectiveId; ResourceCurrentCapability currentCapability; // The task that the Resource is currently undertaking ResourceCurrentTaskId currentTaskId; // External Capabilities and Resources on which this Resource is dependent ResourceDependency dependency; // Information describing the endurance of the Resource ResourceEndurance endurance; // The Resource that aggregates, commands and controls multiple constituents // Resources // The Resources that are constituents of a higher-order aggregate Resource ResourceOwnerId ownerId; }; #ifndef DDS_XTYPES #pragma keylist Resource id #endif // Union of the variant attributes for the specialisations for class ResourceProperties. // The static, persistent properties of the resource that are not expected to change // as a plan is proposed and executed. Properties are specified in this data model // that are expected to be particular pertinent to the planning of operational // utilization of resources. For instance those that provide constraints on movement // and demand conditions on the operating environment. union ResourcePropertiesVariants switch (ResourcePropertiesKind) { // ElectronicEquipment option for ResourceProperties case ELECTRONIC_EQUIPMENT_KIND : ElectronicEquipment electronicEquipment; // MaritimeEquipment option for ResourceProperties case MARITIME_EQUIPMENT_KIND : MaritimeEquipment maritimeEquipment; // Vehicle option for ResourceProperties case VEHICLE_KIND : Vehicle vehicle; }; // A sequence type, to represent multiple values. typedef sequence ResourcePropertiesCapability; // Struct of base attributes defined for class ResourceProperties. struct ResourcePropertiesBase { // The extensible categorization of the type of resource ResourceCategory category; // Additional static information related to the Resource MetaModel::DataModel::Utils::AdditionalData extendedData; // The unique identifier for the instance #ifdef DDS_XTYPES @Key ResourceRef id; #else ResourceRef id; #endif ResourcePropertiesCapability capability; }; struct ResourceProperties { // base option for ResourceProperties ResourcePropertiesBase resourcePropertiesBase; // variant options for ResourceProperties ResourcePropertiesVariants resourcePropertiesVariants; }; }; }; #endif