Machine Readable Files

OMG File ID URL Format Description Appears in
dtc/10-12-22 RMS/20101202/ Archive Non-normative representation of the Proposed RMS Version 1.0 Specification in Sparx EA Version 8.0 Format. A free reader is available at their website, This was the tool used to produce the Normative XMI File. This document includes or reflects all changes required by the errata enumerated in document dtc/2010-11-29. 1.0  
dtc/10-12-20 RMS/20101201/RMS-Model.xmi XML XMI File of the RMS Version 1.0 UML Model to be considered by the Architecture Board and the Domain Technology Committee in their December 2010 Plenary meetings in Santa Clara, CA. This document includes or reflects all changes required by the errata enumerated in document dtc/2010-11-29. 1.0  
dtc/10-11-34 RMS/20101102/Role.xsd XML Schema XSD file supporting the exchange of Role data 1.0  
dtc/10-11-34 RMS/20101102/Party.xsd XML Schema XSD file supporting the exchange of Party data 1.0  
dtc/10-11-34 RMS/20101102/ManagedRecord.xsd XML Schema XSD file supporting the exchange of ManagedRecords data 1.0  
dtc/10-11-34 RMS/20101102/Document.xsd XML Schema XSD file supporting the exchange of Document data 1.0  
dtc/10-11-34 RMS/20101102/Disposition.xsd XML Schema XSD file supporting the exchange of Dispositions data 1.0  
dtc/10-11-34 RMS/20101102/Category.xsd XML Schema XSD file supporting the exchange of Category data 1.0  
dtc/10-11-34 RMS/20101102/Authenticity.xsd XML Schema XSD file supporting the exchange of Authenticity data 1.0  
dtc/10-11-34 RMS/20101102/AttributeProfile.xsd XML Schema XSD file supporting the exchange of AttributeProfile data 1.0  
dtc/10-11-34 RMS/20101102/Annotation.xsd XML Schema XSD file supporting the exchange of Annotation data 1.0  
dtc/10-11-33 RMS/20101101/Query.wsdl WSDL WSDL file defining the operations of the Query service 1.0  
dtc/10-11-33 RMS/20101101/Parties.wsdl WSDL WSDL file defining the operations of the Parties service 1.0  
dtc/10-11-33 RMS/20101101/ManagedRecords.wsdl WSDL WSDL file defining the operations of the ManagedRecords service 1.0  
dtc/10-11-33 RMS/20101101/Documents.wsdl WSDL WSDL file defining the operations of the Documents service 1.0  
dtc/10-11-33 RMS/20101101/Dispositions.wsdl WSDL WSDL file defining the operations of the Dispositions service 1.0  
dtc/10-11-33 RMS/20101101/Categories.wsdl WSDL WSDL file defining the operations of the Categories service 1.0  
dtc/10-11-33 RMS/20101101/Authorities.wsdl WSDL WSDL file defining the operations of the Authorities service 1.0  
dtc/10-11-33 RMS/20101101/AttributeProfiles.wsdl WSDL WSDL file defining the operations of the AttributeProfiles service 1.0  
dtc/10-11-33 RMS/20101101/Annotations.wsdl WSDL WSDL file defining the operations of the Annotations service 1.0