Machine Readable Files

OMG File ID URL Format Description Appears in
ptc/23-02-17 ptc/ Archive Turtle-serialized OWL files (.ttl) 1.0  
ptc/23-02-16 ptc/ Archive RDF/XML-serialized OWL files (.rdf) 1.0  
ptc/23-02-15 ptc/ Archive API4KP OpenAPI .yaml Datatype Files 1.0  
ptc/23-02-14 ptc/ Archive XML files (.xsd), derived from the UML models 1.0  
ptc/23-02-15 API4KP/20230201/surrogate/surrogate.yaml YAML API4KP Derived Datatypes Surrogate YAML file 1.0  
ptc/23-02-14 API4KP/20230201/surrogate/surrogate.xsd XML Schema API4KP Derived Surrogate XML Schema XSD file 1.0  
ptc/23-02-13 API4KP/20230201/surrogate.idl IDL Core API4KP Surrogate IDL file 1.0  
ptc/23-02-15 API4KP/20230201/services/services.yaml YAML API4KP Derived Datatypes Services YAML file 1.0  
ptc/23-02-14 API4KP/20230201/services/services.xsd XML Schema API4KP Derived Services XML Schema XSD file 1.0  
ptc/23-02-15 API4KP/20230201/services/descriptors/descriptors.yaml YAML API4KP Derived Datatypes Services Descriptors YAML file 1.0  
ptc/23-02-14 API4KP/20230201/services/descriptors/descriptors.xsd XML Schema API4KP Derived Services Descriptors XML Schema XSD file 1.0  
ptc/23-02-13 API4KP/20230201/services.idl IDL Core API4KP Services IDL file 1.0  
ptc/23-02-13 API4KP/20230201/services.descriptors.idl IDL Core API4KP Services Descriptors IDL file 1.0  
ptc/23-02-10 API4KP/20230201/knowledgeReasoning.swagger.yaml YAML OpenAPI 2.x Knowledge Reasoning API YAML file 1.0  
ptc/23-02-09 API4KP/20230201/knowledgeReasoning.oas.yaml YAML OpenAPI 3.x Knowledge Reasoning API YAML file 1.0  
ptc/23-02-10 API4KP/20230201/knowledgeBaseConstruction.swagger.yaml YAML OpenAPI 2.x Knowledge Base Construction API YAML file 1.0  
ptc/23-02-09 API4KP/20230201/knowledgeBaseConstruction.oas.yaml YAML OpenAPI 3.x Knowledge Base Construction API YAML file 1.0  
ptc/23-02-10 API4KP/20230201/knowledgeAssetTransrepresentation.swagger.yaml YAML OpenAPI 2.x Knowledge Asset Transrepresentation API YAML file 1.0  
ptc/23-02-09 API4KP/20230201/knowledgeAssetTransrepresentation.oas.yaml YAML OpenAPI 3.x Knowledge Asset Transrepresentation API YAML file 1.0  
ptc/23-02-10 API4KP/20230201/knowledgeAssetRepository.swagger.yaml YAML OpenAPI 2.x Knowledge Asset Repository API YAML file 1.0  
ptc/23-02-09 API4KP/20230201/knowledgeAssetRepository.oas.yaml YAML OpenAPI 3.x Knowledge Asset Repository API YAML file 1.0  
ptc/23-02-10 API4KP/20230201/knowledgeArtifactRepository.swagger.yaml YAML OpenAPI 2.x Knowledge Artifact Repository API YAML file 1.0  
ptc/23-02-09 API4KP/20230201/knowledgeArtifactRepository.oas.yaml YAML OpenAPI 3.x Knowledge Artifact Repository API YAML file 1.0  
ptc/23-02-15 API4KP/20230201/id/id.yaml YAML API4KP Derived Datatypes Identifiers YAML file 1.0  
ptc/23-02-14 API4KP/20230201/id/id.xsd XML Schema API4KP Derived Identifiers XML Schema XSD file 1.0  
ptc/23-02-13 API4KP/20230201/id.idl IDL Core API4KP Identifiers IDL file 1.0  
ptc/23-02-15 API4KP/20230201/datatypes/datatypes.yaml YAML API4KP Derived Datatypes Datatypes YAML file 1.0  
ptc/23-02-14 API4KP/20230201/datatypes/datatypes.xsd XML Schema API4KP Derived Datatypes XML Schema XSD file 1.0  
ptc/23-02-13 API4KP/20230201/datatypes.idl IDL Core API4KP Datatypes IDL file 1.0  
ptc/23-02-14 API4KP/20230201/api4kp.xsd XML Schema API4KP Derived XML Schema XSD file 1.0  
ptc/23-02-08 API4KP/20230201/api4kp.xmi XMI API4KP UML model for the APIs 1.0  
ptc/23-02-12 API4KP/20230201/api4kp.ttl TTL Core API4KP Ontology, Turtle-serialized OWL file 1.0  
ptc/23-02-11 API4KP/20230201/api4kp.rdf RDF Core API4KP Ontology, RDF/XML-serialized OWL file 1.0  
ptc/23-02-12 API4KP/20230201/api4kp-series.ttl TTL API4KP Ontology of Series, Turtle-serialized OWL file 1.0  
ptc/23-02-11 API4KP/20230201/api4kp-series.rdf RDF API4KP Ontology of Series, RDF/XML-serialized OWL file 1.0  
ptc/23-02-12 API4KP/20230201/api4kp-rel.ttl TTL API4KP Ontology of Knowledge Resources Relationships, Turtle-serialized OWL file 1.0  
ptc/23-02-11 API4KP/20230201/api4kp-rel.rdf RDF API4KP Ontology of Knowledge Resources Relationships, RDF/XML-serialized OWL file 1.0  
ptc/23-02-17 API4KP/20230201/api4kp-registry.ttl TTL API4KP Knowledge Asset Registry Ontology, Turtle-serialized OWL file 1.0  
ptc/23-02-16 API4KP/20230201/api4kp-registry.rdf RDF API4KP Knowledge Asset Registry Ontology, RDF/XML-serialized OWL file 1.0  
ptc/23-02-12 API4KP/20230201/api4kp-ops.ttl TTL Ontology of API4KP Operations, Turtle-serialized OWL file 1.0  
ptc/23-02-11 API4KP/20230201/api4kp-ops.rdf RDF Ontology of API4KP Operations, RDF/XML-serialized OWL file 1.0  
ptc/23-02-12 API4KP/20230201/api4kp-lang.ttl TTL API4KP Ontology of Languages, Turtle-serialized OWL file 1.0  
ptc/23-02-11 API4KP/20230201/api4kp-lang.rdf RDF API4KP Ontology of Languages, RDF/XML-serialized OWL file 1.0  
ptc/23-02-12 API4KP/20230201/api4kp-krr.ttl TTL API4KP Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Terminology Ontology, Turtle-serialized OWL file 1.0  
ptc/23-02-11 API4KP/20230201/api4kp-krr.rdf RDF API4KP Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Terminology Ontology, RDF/XML-serialized OWL file 1.0  
ptc/23-02-17 API4KP/20230201/api4kp-kpc.ttl TTL API4KP Ontology of Known Platform Components, Turtle-serialized OWL file 1.0  
ptc/23-02-16 API4KP/20230201/api4kp-kpc.rdf RDF API4KP Ontology of Known Platform Components, RDF/XML-serialized OWL file 1.0  
ptc/23-02-12 API4KP/20230201/api4kp-kp.ttl TTL API4KP Ontology of Knowledge Platforms, Turtle-serialized OWL file 1.0  
ptc/23-02-11 API4KP/20230201/api4kp-kp.rdf RDF API4KP Ontology of Knowledge Platforms, RDF/XML-serialized OWL file 1.0  
ptc/23-02-17 API4KP/20230201/api4kp-kmdo.ttl TTL API4KP Knowledge Delivery Management Ontology, Turtle-serialized OWL file 1.0  
ptc/23-02-16 API4KP/20230201/api4kp-kmdo.rdf RDF API4KP Knowledge Delivery Management Ontology, RDF/XML-serialized OWL file 1.0  
ptc/23-02-12 API4KP/20230201/api4kp-kao.ttl TTL API4KP Knowledge Asset Type Ontology, Turtle-serialized OWL file 1.0  
ptc/23-02-11 API4KP/20230201/api4kp-kao.rdf RDF API4KP Knowledge Asset Type Ontology, RDF/XML-serialized OWL file 1.0  
ptc/23-02-17 API4KP/20230201/api4kp-ckao.ttl TTL API4KP Domain-specific Example API4KP Clinical Knowledge Assets Ontology, Turtle-serialized OWL file 1.0  
ptc/23-02-16 API4KP/20230201/api4kp-ckao.rdf RDF API4KP Domain-specific Example API4KP Clinical Knowledge Assets Ontology, RDF/XML-serialized OWL file 1.0  
ptc/23-02-13 API4KP/20230201/api.transrepresentation.idl IDL Knowledge Asset Transrepresentation API IDL file 1.0  
ptc/23-02-13 API4KP/20230201/api.repository.asset.idl IDL Knowledge Asset Repository API IDL file 1.0  
ptc/23-02-13 API4KP/20230201/api.repository.artifact.idl IDL Knowledge Asset Repository API IDL file 1.0  
ptc/23-02-13 API4KP/20230201/api.knowledgebase.idl IDL Knowledge Base Construction API IDL file 1.0  
ptc/23-02-13 API4KP/20230201/api.inference.idl IDL Knowledge Reasoning API IDL file 1.0