
Entity Definition

Logical Name : ISO3166-2CountrySubdivision
Physical Name : CO_ISO3166_2_PRMRY_SBDVN

ISO 3166-2 standard that identifies all countries and their primary subdivisions. Used to specify countries and their respective next level subdivisions using a world wide standard format and set of values.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
ISO_3166-2CountrySubDivisionID (PK) Token ID assigned to uniquely identify all country-primary subdivision instances. This token is non-signifcant and should be automatically generated. ID_ISO_3166_2_CY_SBDVN Identity integer
ISOCountryPrimarySubdivisionID (AK) ISO 3166-2 five digit number used ot uniquely identify a country primary subdivision. ID_ISO_3166_2_CY_PRMRY_SBDVN Identity integer
ISOThreeCharacterCountryCode (AK) ISO 3166-2 three character abbreviation for the country CD_ISO_3_CHR_CY Code4 char(4)
ISOCountryPrimarySubDivisionName Full proper name of the country primary subdivision NM_ISO_CY_PRMRY_SBDVN Name varchar(40)
ISOCountryPrimarySubDivisionAbbreviationCode ISO 3166-2 country primary subdivision abbreviation. Concatenation of two character country code, a dash and three character abbreviation for the subdivision. Note we're carrying this as a single attribute because it's represented that way in the ISO 3166-2 standard. CD_ISO_CY_PRMRY_SBDVN_ABBR_CD Code6 char(6)
ISOSubdivisionAlternateNameDescription This is a comma delimited list of subdivision names. This is part of the ISO 3166-2 standard and is a denormalized list of unofficial, nonstandard names (which is why it's not part of an alternate key). DE_ISO_SBDVN_ALT_NM DescriptionShort varchar(255)
ISOCountryName Full proper name of the country NM_ISO_CY Name varchar(40)
ISO3166_CountryPrimarySubdivisionTypeCode (FK) An ISO 3166-2 designated code that indicates the type of country primary subdivision. The list shown under examples is the ISO standard and should be loaded in as the code values. Eamples include: ------------------------- Province District county Parish Dependency federal district city territory state municipality autonomous republic Governorate division Region Capital Region Department canton Entity autonomous municipality geographical region prefecture commune economic prefecture special administrative region autonomous region capital district island special municipality administration metropolitan department Metropolitan regions overseas regions territorial collectivity overseas territory Overseas territorial collectivity self-governed part administrative regions Perfecture governorates special zone. autonomous sector capital city city of county right union territory autonomous province special district geographic units special region Urban Perfecture Metropolis Island group Special City metropolitan city capital metropolitan city special zone popularate federal territory administrative atoll capital council Chain of Islands autonomous territorial unit territorial unit quarter Rerion zone development regions country Regional Council Special Island Authority Unitary Authority capital territory Pakistan administered area administered areas federal capital territory indigenous region constitutional province Voivodship republic administrative territory administrative region autonomous district autonomous city geographical entities administrative area area states autonomous community metropolitan administration special administrative city Island Council geographic regions Emirate council area (Scotland) district council area (Northern Ireland) borough metropolitan district unitary authority (Wales) two-tier county city corporation principality outlying area federal dependency CD_ISO3166_CY_PRMRY_SBDVN_TYP Code varchar(20) ISO3166-2PrimarySubdivisionType(LU_ISO3166_2_PRMRY_SBDVN_TYP)
ISOCountryCode (FK) The ISO-3166-1 two letter code denoting a locality in which the retailer does business. CD_CY_ISO Code2 char(2) ISO3166-1Country(LO_CY_ISO)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
ISO3166-1Country contains ISO3166-2CountrySubdivision
ISO3166-2PrimarySubdivisionType validates ISO3166-2CountrySubdivision
ISO3166-2CountrySubdivision validates Address
ISO3166-2CountrySubdivision includes GeographicSegment_ISO3166-2CountrySubdivision
ISO3166-2CountrySubdivision is originally from CompositeDemographicSegment
ISO3166-2CountrySubdivision identifies GeographicSegmentHierarchyGroup
ISO3166-2CountrySubdivision defines national location for KeyCustomerGeographicSegment

Logical Views containing ISO3166-2CountrySubdivision

Logical View
Logical 05100 - Taxation - Rules View
Logical 07030 - Customer Segment Independent Characteristics
Logical 10108 - Enterprise - Physical Locations View
Logical 10108 - Enterprise - Physical Locations View