Pending Requests for Comments:

All OMG work in progress deadlines in chronological order

Essence - Kernel and Language for Engineering Methods 2.0 RFC

This document provides comprehensive definitions and descriptions of the kernel and the language for engineering methods. The Kernel provides the common ground for defining engineering practices. It includes the essential elements that are always prevalent in every engineering endeavor, such as Requirements, System, Team, and Work. These elements have states representing progress and health, so as the endeavor moves forward the states associated with these elements progress. The Kernel among other things helps practitioners (e.g., architects, designers, developers, testers, requirements engineers, process engineers, project managers, etc.) compare methods and make better decisions about their practices. The Kernel is described using the Language, which defines abstract syntax, dynamic semantics, graphic syntax, and textual syntax. The Language supports composing two practices to form a new practice, and composing practices into a method, and the enactment of methods. This document addresses the mandatory requirements of the Kernel, the Language, and Practice in the following: • It defines the Kernel and its organizations into three areas of concerns: Customer, Solution, and Endeavor. • It defines the Kernel Alphas (i.e., the essential things to work with), and Activity Spaces (i.e., the essential things to do). • It describes the Language specification, Language elements, and Language model. • It defines Language Dynamic Semantics, Graphical Syntax, and Textual Syntax. • It describes examples of composing Practices into Methods, and Enactment of Methods.

Essence - Kernel and Language for Engineering Methods V2.0 RFC

Essence Metamodel XMI

Essence V2.0 RFC cover letter

Essence V2.0 RFC inventory

System Package Data Exchange (SPDX) v3.0 RFC

This submission is of a specification for exchanging bills of material (BOM) based on an integrated metamodel that can meet the needs of the growing communities of organizations that want BOMs of software, data, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) models that can also convey information about licenses, build processes, and security for the items in the BOMS while providing an architecture that can support adding coverage for other types of BOMs in the future. This submission provides the capabilities envisioned for a tool-to-tool software bill of materials (SBOM) while also providing for other aspects of today’s marketplaces and enterprise ecosystems that need to be able to exchange machine readable and producible bills of materials for a variety of items as well as information of various forms about those items. Additionally, this submission is a combined effort with the work in the Linux Foundation’s Software Package Data Exchange (SPDX) project that evolves their previous work that has been published as ISO/IEC 5962:2021 Information technology SPDX® Specification V2.2.1 through the PAS process into a version 3.0 version that changes their project’s focus from just software to systems and thus SPDX now stands for System Package Data Exchange in the title of this specification and in the group’s name. The capability to exchange BOMs described in this submission is an important component for achieving the mission of the Systems Assurance Task Force and will also fulfill the goals targeted by the SPDX project and will support the goals of many organizations to get a better handle on their supply chains by having visibility into what makes up the goods and services they utilize.

SPDX 3.0 - SPDX_SVG_files zip file

SPDX Inventory

SPDX RFC clean spec w/o section 0.x

SPDX RFC cover letter

SPDX RFC machine consumable SPDX_ontology_rdf.ttl file

SPDX RFC specification document (update)

SPDX_Model_File (.zip archive)

Pending Requests for Proposals:

All OMG work in progress deadlines in chronological order

Agent Metamodel and Profile (AMP) RFP
This Request for Proposal solicits submissions for an Agent Metamodel and Profile (AMP). Essentially, the AMP RFP requests a metamodel and profile for extending UML with capabilities applicable to agents and agent-based software. Submissions developed in response to this RFP will achieve the following: Clarify semantics concerned with modeling agents. Establish Agent modeling best practices utilizing OMG technologies. Develop a MOF-compliant agent metamodel to be used either standalone or via extending the existing UML metamodel with agent modeling capabilities. Enable agent model interchange between tools via XMI. Optionally facilitate modeling of Peer-to-Peer, Grid and Cloud computing, and other technologies in terms of a collection of Agents. It is expected that responses to this RFP will make good use of agent modeling capabilities already supported by the OMG.

DDS C# API Request For Proposal
The Data Distribution Service (DDS) specification consists of a UML Platform-Independent Model (PIM) and a single IDL Platform-Specific Model (PSM). As a result, DDS implementations have traditionally implemented APIs that derive directly from the IDL PSM using the standard IDL to language transformations that are available for multiple programming languages. However, often times these IDL-derived mappings preclude programmers from using native programming language constructs, such as generics, that are unavailable in IDL. The result is a suboptimal API that does not conform to the stylistic idioms of the target language, introducing a barrier to the adoption and use of DDS. Since 2012, the OMG has released DDS PSMs that derive directly from the DDS UML PIM, targeting languages like C++ and Java. These new PSMs leverage and conform to the standard data types and programming idioms of such programming languages, simplifying the adoption and use of DDS. Following that evolution, this RFP solicits proposals for a DDS PSM for the C# programming language

DDS Status Monitoring RFP
The Data-Distribution Service (DDS) provides a crucial connectivity platform to many mission critical systems. It is important to have a standardized means for monitoring the health status of the DDS platform during live operation and to use means that are robust to failures of the platform being monitored. This standard covers the information model and technical interfaces required. This RFP solicits proposals for the following: A data model defining the information required for the operational status monitoring of a DDS platform. Techniques, procedures, and interfaces to communicate the data model representing the status of the platform.

Digital Receipt JSON Document RFP
This RFP solicits proposal for standard Digital Receipt document in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) [JSON] format. In the past the Association for Retail Technology Standards (ARTS) released a few versions of the Digital Receipt standard XML schemas. The last version of the Digital Receipt 3.1.0 [DR-31] was released in 2017. The changes implemented in that schema were designed to accommodate the requirement of the Japanese market, so that the schema could be used to simplify the processing of POS transactions during the Olympics. Since version 2, the Digital Receipt XML schemas were based on a much larger and more complex POSLog XML schema [POSLOG]. However, in recent years, the shift from using XML format to JSON, especially in messaging and APIs, began to expose limitations of the current Digital Receipt XML standard. Furthermore, the ARTS Digital Receipt specification was primarily focused on the consumer facing aspects of receipt, as a document issued by a retailer to a customer confirming the details of a retail transaction. There is another important aspect of the transactional data. It is used by government agencies for fiscal audit and control of retail operations. Such fiscal receipts include other types of transactions such as tender control or financial transactions performed at a Point of Service (POS). For example, fiscal printers used the same transactional data to print customer receipts as well as to capture fiscal data for government reporting. This RFP solicits proposals for a standard Digital Receipt JSON document that can be used to produce both a consumer facing receipt as well as transactional data for governmental reporting. This RFP solicits proposals for the following: A structure of Digital Receipt JSON document expressed as JSON schema [JSON-S] or Open API Specification [OAS] Schema Objects using YAML syntax. A Retail Industry Ontology that covers the major concepts in the Digital Receipt JSON document.

Enterprise Resource Metadata Attributions (ERMA) Request For Proposal
This RFP focuses on the data requirements for defining a computing environment through the use of Enterprise Resource Metadata Attributions (ERMAs). ERMAs describe the information and data elements needed to provide risk-managed operations within any computing environment. A computing environment comprises, at a minimum: + Hardware: components and relationships (component tree). + Software: systems, applications and services operating on hardware components. + Network Interfaces: the physical communication between components. Optionally, the operational environment may use ERMAs to describe users and data in the operational environment. This RFP explicitly seeks the definitions, structure and vocabularies for the hardware, software and network ERMAs needed to operate a risk-managed computing environment. Optionally, this RFP seeks ERMAs for user and data elements in the computing environment.

Event Metamodel and Profile (EMP) RFP
This Request for Proposal solicits submissions for an Event Metamodel and Profile (EMP). Essentially, the EMP RFP requests a metamodel and profile for extending UML with capabilities applicable to the sensing and interpretation of events, such as monitoring, filtering, aggregation, and correlation. Submissions developed in response to this RFP will achieve the following:
  • Clarify semantics concerned with modeling events.
  • Establish Event modeling best practices utilizing OMG technologies.
  • Develop a MOF-compliant event metamodel to be used either standalone or via extending the existing UML metamodel with event modeling capabilities.
  • Enable event model interchange between tools via XMI.
It is expected that responses to this RFP will make good use of event modeling capabilities already supported by the OMG.

Ground Data Delivery Interface (GDDI) Request For Proposal
Space vehicle operations require varying compositions of ground applications that are integrated together within a common network (WAN and/or LAN) to provide an end-to-end ground system capability. This includes real time data and metadata transfer across these applications. Typical data includes spacecraft bus commands, telemetry, and mission payload in digital/baseband form. Metadata is carried in-band with the data and includes parameterized information and real-time status used by the ground applications to properly process, store, retrieve, and deliver the data. No common model for this dynamic data/metadata interface currently exists. Approaches, designs, and custom protocols vary widely from one vendor to another offering little opportunity for reuse to system integrators. The result is often a costly and time-consuming integration effort. This RFP solicits proposals for the following: * A Platform-Independent Model describing a lightweight application-level message interface that encapsulates spacecraft data and metadata so they can be transferred between ground applications within a common network. * At least one Platform-Specific Model describing the encoding format of the metadata and data encapsulated by this interface. This platform specific model will call out at least one standard transport layer for carrying the encapsulated/encoded metadata and data, with the intent of reusing an existing transport that provides high throughput, low latency, and optionally secure transmission.

Interface Definition Language v4 (IDL4) to Python Language Mapping RFP
Version 4 of the Interface Definition Language (IDL) specification extends the traditional IDL syntax and defines a comprehensive set of building blocks to categorize it. Such evolution of IDL requires the definition of a new set of language mappings, because existing mappings, such as IDL to Python, do not include complete coverage of the new constructs introduced in IDL version 4 and newer, and do not map well to the new building-block structure. This RFP solicits proposals for an IDL4 to Python mapping

Information Management Metamodel (IMM) RFP
This RFP solicits proposals for a standard metamodel to address the needs of Information Management. This includes the scope of the existing Common Warehouse Metamodel (CWM) standard but is extended to cover the following areas:
  • MOF2 Metamodel for Information Management (IMM)
  • UML2 Profile for Relational Data Modeling, with a mapping to the IMM metamodel and SQL DDL
  • UML2 Profile for Logical (Entity Relationship) Data Modeling, with a mapping to the IMM metamodel
  • UML2 Profile for XML Data Modeling, with a mapping to the IMM metamodel and XML Schema
  • UML2 Profile for Record Modeling, with a mapping to the IMM metamodel and COBOL Copybooks
  • A standardized Information Engineering data modeling notation with a mapping to the IMM metamodel

The DDS Real-time Publish-Subscribe wire protocol (DDSI-RTPS) specification uses a Model-Driven Architecture (MDA) to describe a Platform Independent Model (PIM) of the interoperability wire protocol and its Platform Specific Mapping (PSM) to the User Datagram Protocol (UDP). The existing standard specifies only a UDP mapping of the PIM that allows conforming implementations to interoperate over UDP. The objective of this RFP is to define a standard PSM to the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), so that implementations conforming to this specification can interoperate over TCP. Responses to this proposal shall not modify or deprecate UDP-based interoperability or the RTPS PIM.

Robotic Interaction Service Framework 2.0 RFP
This RFP solicits proposals for the following as well as RoIS 1.2 Specification: -Common interfaces between robotic service applications and components that provide functions for performing human-robot interaction. -Data structure for each interface. This RFP also solicits proposals for the following extension to RoIS 1.2 specification: -Semantic definition of requirements and functions of each component using Robotic Service Ontology (RoSO). -Isolation of communication model (infrastructure) of robotic functional components.

Semantic Information Modeling for Federation (SIMF) RFP
The SIMF RFP asks for submissions for a standard that addresses the federation of information across different representations, levels of abstraction, communities, organizations, viewpoints, and authorities. Federation, in this context, means using independently conceived information sets together for purposes beyond those for which the individual information sets were originally defined. The purpose of SIMF is to help federate information across different authorities, vocabularies and formats. Current conceptual and logical information modeling approaches tend to be focused on a particular information modeling problem, using a particular technical approach. Examples of such technical approaches include object modeling, DBMS modeling and exchange schema modeling. SIMF seeks to address the problem of information federation by specifying standards for conceptual domain modeling, logical information modeling and model bridging relationships. SIMF submissions will define, adopt and/or adapt languages to express the conceptual domain models, logical information models and model bridging relationships needed to achieve this federation. Many if not all of these capabilities can be achieved with expert application of multiple standards and technologies. SIMF is intended to unify and tailor these capabilities, providing a standard for tools that reduce the barrier to entry and overhead required to achieve federated information.

This RFP solicits a specification that complements established mechanisms for representation of structured data files submitted as business reports, typically financial reports to regulators, in formats such as XBRL, by - Applying a business modeling approach to report definition, making reports easier to develop; - Enabling business-level expression of rules in order to manage quality; - Facilitating reuse of information across multiple reports; - Allowing use with industry- or enterprise-standard information models and ontologies; - Allowing direct linkage with enterprise information sources for report data; - Providing alternative formats for reports to allow access by a greater variety of analytical tooling while providing interoperability with XBRL-based report definitions and report submissions.

Statistics Metadata Interoperability RFP
There are many governmental agencies, university centers, and private companies around the world producing statistical datasets. These datasets cover a broad spectrum of subjects with a wide variety of detail. Due to their different sources, conventions, levels of description, and styles, it is hard to discover what datasets exist, and to understand their suitability for, a given task. This RFP solicits proposals for standard metadata to accompany statistical datasets for the purposes of discovery and understandability.

UnifiedPOS Fiscal API 2.0 RFP
This RFP solicits proposals for the following: A platform independent behavioral model to describe interactions between fiscal devices or services and applications that consume them. A standard Fiscal API to register retail transactions on a fiscal device or tax authority service. A standard Fiscal API to store data into a fiscal journal

UnifiedPOS V2 Model And POS Printer API RFP
This RFP solicits proposals for the following: A platform independent behavioural model to describe interactions between device services and applications that consume them. The new model should address the shortcomings of the UnifiedPOS V1 and provide a foundation for exposing devices as services. An API to query POS printer capabilities. An API to print information on paper rolls using receipt and journal stations of the POS printer. An API to print information on a form (typically a check or credit card slip) on the slip station of the POS printer.

Current Specification Revision Processes (available to members only):

APIs for Knowledge Platforms 1.1 RTF
Alert Management Service (ALMAS) 1.4 RTF
Business Architecture Core Metamodel (BACM) 1.1 RTF
Command and Control Interface for Navigation Systems (C2INav) 1.3 RTF
Command and Control Message Specification (C2MS) 1.1 RTF
Command and Control Message Specification (C2MS) 1.2 RTF
Commons Ontology Library (Commons) 1.2 RTF
CubeSat System Reference Model Profile (CSRM) 1.2 RTF
DDS Consolidated JSON Syntax (DDS-JSON) 1.1 RTF
DDS Consolidated XML Syntax (DDS-XML) 1.1 RTF
DDS Extensible Types (DDS-XTYPES) 1.4 RTF
DDS Extensions for Time Sensitive Networking (DDS-TSN) 1.0 FTF2
DDS Extensions for Time Sensitive Networking (DDS-TSN) 1.1 RTF
DDS Security 1.3 RTF
DDS-OPC UA Gateway 1.1 RTF
DDS-PSM-Cxx v1.1 RTF
Decision Model and Notation 1.6 RTF
Decision Model and Notation 1.7 RTF
Diagram Definition 1.2 RTF
Essence 1.3 RTF
Essence 2.0 FTF
FACE Profile (FACE) 2.0 FTF
Ground Equipment Monitoring Service (GEMS) 1.7 RTF
IDL4 to C# Language Mapping (IDL4-CSHARP) 1.1 RTF
IDL4 to C++ Language Mapping (IDL4-CPP) 1.0 FTF2
IDL4 to C++ Language Mapping (IDL4-CPP) 1.1 RTF
Interface Definition Language 4.3 RTF
Kernel Modeling Language (KerML) 1.0 FTF 2
Languages, Countries and Codes 1.3 RTF
MOF to RDF Mapping 1.1 RTF
Multiple Vocabulary Facility (MVF) 1.1 RTF
Object Constraint Language 2.5 RTF
Ontology Definition Metamodel (ODM) 1.2 RTF
Open Architecture Radar Interface Standard (OARIS) 3.0 FTF
Pedigree and Provenance Model and Notation (PPMN) FTF 2
Precise Semantics for Uncertainty Modeling (PSUM) 1.1 RTF
RPC over DDS 1.1 RTF
Requirements Interchange Format V1.3 (ReqIF) RTF
Risk Analysis and Assessment Modeling Language (RAAML) 1.2 RTF
Robotic Service Ontology (RoSo) 1.0 FTF
Satellite Operations Language Metamodel (SOLM) 1.2 RTF
Shared Data Model and Notation (SDMN) 1.1 RTF
Specification Common Elements (SCE) 1.0 FTF 2
Specification Common Elements (SCE) 1.1 RTF
Structured Patterns Metamodel Standard (SPMS) 1.3 RTF
Structured Patterns Metamodel Standard (SPMS) 1.4 RTF
SysPhS 1.2 RTF
System Package Data Exchange (SPDX) 3.0 FTF
Systems Modeling API and Services (SystemsModelingAPI) 1.0 FTF 2
Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 2.0 FTF 2
TACSIT Controller Interface (TCI) 1.1 RTF
TACSIT Data Exchange (TEX) 1.2 RTF
Tactical Decision Aids Interface (TDAI) 1.1 RTF
UML Testing Profile 2 (UTP2) 2.3 RTF
Unified Architecture Framework (UAF) 1.3 RTF
UnifiedPOS 1.15.1 RTF
UnifiedPOS 1.16.2 RTF
XML Telemetric & Command Exchange Format 1.3 (XTCE) RTF
XTCE US Government Satellite Conformance Profile 1.1 RTF