Middleware and Related Services PTF Agenda

OMG Technical Meeting
Chicago, IL

2024-09-09 to 2024-09-13
Timezone: CDT (UTC-0500)

Up to date agenda can be found at: https://omg.org/events/2024Q3/agendas/MARSPTFCalendar.html

Mon 2024-09-09
09:00-12:00MARS Plenary (AM)
Callin Info: Callin access through meet.goto.com will be available to registered attendees during the event.
• Meeting kickoff: Review upcoming week; entertain additions to agenda
Nominal List (to be revised after 4 wk deadline) 
- Enterprise Resource Metadata Attributions (ERMA): Review initial submission
- Cloud WG "AI in the Cloud" DP: Review for publication
- Other items TBD
Remote link to be updated.

Tue 2024-09-10
09:00-12:00MARS Plenary (AM)
Callin Info: Callin access through meet.goto.com will be available to registered attendees during the event.
Nominal List (to be revised after 4 wk deadline) 
- DDS C# API:  Review revised submission
- IDL4 to Python Language Mapping:  Review revised submission
- TCP/IP PSM for DDS Interoperability:  Review revised submission
Remote link to be updated.

13:00-17:00IDL WG (Co-Chairs: Chuck Abbott, Fernando Garcia)
Posted Agenda (includes remote connection info)
Wed 2024-09-11
09:00-12:00DDS PSIG
13:30-17:00CORBA WG (Chair: John Draga)
Posted Agenda (includes remote connection info)
13:30-17:00IEF WG (Co-Chairs: Mike Abramson, Alfred Strauch)
Posted Agenda (includes remote connection info)
Thu 2024-09-12
09:00-12:00MARS Plenary (AM)
Callin Info: Callin access through meet.goto.com will be available to registered attendees during the event.
Nominal List to be updated after 4 wk deadline
• Progress Report CORBA 3.5 RTF
• Other topics TBD
Vote to Issue:
Vote to Publish:
• Cloud WG AI in the Cloud DP 
Vote to Adopt:
• IDL4 to Python Language Mapping
• TCP/IP PSM for DDS Interoperability
Meeting Wrap-up
• Vote to approve Draft June 2024 Meeting Minutes
• WG Report-Outs (IDL, CORBA, IEF)
• Plan for next mtng (update roadmap) & other ad hoc topics

Remote link TBD

13:00-15:00MARS Overflow
Time reserved and room available to handle work items generated during the week that dont need to be conducted in MARS plenary or discussions continued from presentations earlier in the week.
15:00-16:30Chairs Planning/Agenda Coordination
Time for MARS Chairs to work on Friday PTC report. Also available to coordinate the MARS agenda with other TFs and SIGs and vice-versa.

General notes:
Plans for December 2024
Subject to Revision
- Enterprise Resource Metadata Attributions (ERMA) RFP: Revised Submission Review
- IEF RA 2.0 RFC: Review Draft?
-  Review for publication:
   * Cloud Security V4 DP
- IDL, IEF, and CORBA WGs to meet.
Acronym Supplement
AI:  Artificial Intelligence
CORBA:  Common Object Request Broker Architecture (https://www.corba.org/)
DIDO:  Distributed Immutable Data Object
DP:  Discussion Paper
ERMA: Enterprise Resource Metadata Attributions
FACE:  Future Airborne Capability Environment Consortium, managed by the Open Group (https://www.opengroup.org/face)  
IEF:  Information Exchange Framework
MM:  Meeting Minutes 
MRF:  Machine Readable File
TFQ:  Task Force Quorum (for issuing documents or process votes before voting list closed)
VLQ:  Voting List Quorum (for process votes after the voting list closes)
Specific to this Agenda or not available at the OMG site

Generated at: 2024-07-17 10:10 US/Eastern