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Nanjing Zhenrong Technology Co., LTD

Nanjing Zhenrong Technology Co., LTD

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Company Overview: Founded in 2014, Nanjing Zhenrong Technology Co., Ltd. specifically focuses on data distribution service research, development and application, to help industry users build a flexible and reliable enterprise collaborative framework. The star product ZRDDS has been applied to applications in aviation, aerospace, electronics, automotive and energy areas. We hope to support our users to make their data integration and collaboration easier and smarter through a range of products of Zhenrong Technology.
Product Category : Distributed-Data
Product/Service Description: ZRDDS (Zhenrong Data Distribution Service) is a communication middleware product, complying with OMG's DDS standards, aims to simplify development, deployment, and debugging for large-scale system integration. ZRDDS covers the protocols of DDS, RTPS, DDS-Security, DDS-Web and DDS-Xtypes. It supports the applications in a wide range from end to edge, to fog, to cloud. It outperforms in various network environment including high bandwidth, narrowband, wireless, and so on. Meanwhile, it expands multiple kinds of QoS to satisfy different communication scenarios and requirements, to apply ZRDDS more flexibly and easily. ZRDDS also provides a line of tools to enable users to design, develop, and debug their systems at a lower cost.
Sales Contact: sales
Sales Contact Email: [email protected]
Sales Contact Phone: 025-52106986
OMG Member: Yes
OMG Membership Level: Platform

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