
Interoperability Clearinghouse

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Company Overview: is a govt sanctioned solution architecture research consontia that develops and maintains re-usable solution frameworks and associated metrics for implementing SOA based systems. The Solution Architecture Integration Lab is a public/private partnership that helps enterprise users from govt and industry documents common business requirements in a canonical form. ICH also works with vendors to help map their offerings and supporting evidence to these common frameworks. As an honest broker, ICH helps align business needs with proven technical solutions, mitigating common failure pattners while establishing economies of scale.
Product/Service Description: The Solution Architecture Integration Lab (SAIL), applies the ICH Architecture Assurance Method, a govt/industry recommended approach for speeding up the IT assessment and acquisition process.
Sales Contact: John Weiler
Sales Contact Email: [email protected]
Sales Contact Phone: 703 768 0400
OMG Member: OMG
OMG Membership Level: Influencing


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