Issue 4527: issue: adding the source of subject headings (bqs-ftf) Source: Japan Biological Informatics Consortium (Mr. Martin Senger, martin.senger(at) Nature: Uncategorized Issue Severity: Summary: The current spec says that the subject headings come from standard lists (e.g. SEARS, LCSH). But the spec does not have an attribute specifying this source. After consulting with the librarians and similar people, we found that this information is so important that it should qualify for having its own and explicit attribute. This is what was shown in the last resolution as public string subject_heading_collection; The contents of this attribute could be, for example, "SEARS", "MeSH", "LCSH". This, of course, opens the question why we are not suggesting the same for classification codes. We don't because we feel that classification codes are unique, they are more or less like identifers - and therefore they can be even expressed as identifiers using the same notation as with databases (source/id). But the subject headings are not necessarily unique: for example something like "MeSH/blahblah" can appear in several places in the MeSH trees) - and therefore using for that the pattern used for identifiers would not be appropriate. Therefore, the example just above would be coded as "blahblah" as one of the 'subject_heading' strings, and the word "MeSH" woud be in 'subject_heading_collection'. Resolution: To add subject_heading_collection (as shown already). To clarify documentation about differences between subject headings and classification codes, with a suggestion that for classification code may be used pattern for identifiers. Resolution: see below Revised Text: To add the following attribute to the valuetype BibRefSubject in the module DsLSRBibObject public string subject_heading_collection; To change the text to be as follows (the text in squre brackets is unchanged): [This standard does not specify what list to use but implementers are advised to provide a controlled vocabulary for the list that is used], and to specify the source of subject headings in subject_heading_collection field (using, for example, values "SEARS", "LCSH", or "MeSH"). [Classification code (call number) is usually either Dewey decimal or Congress classification. But this specification does not prescribe it.] Note that the classification codes are unique (unlike in contradiction to some subject headings). Therefore, they can be even expressed as identifiers using the same notation as used for the citation identifiers (repository/id). Actions taken: August 22, 2001: received issue May 13, 2002: closed issue Discussion: End of Annotations:===== Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2001 14:46:29 +0100 (BST) From: Martin Senger To: cc: Juergen Boldt Subject: issue: adding the source of subject headings In-Reply-To: Message-ID: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII X-UIDL: I>Z!!!2kd9A/C!!H- To: cc: Subject: Call to vote: Issue 4527 - adding the source of subject headings Message-ID: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII X-UIDL: '$[d9pUT!!cSa!!pC3!! This message *is* a vote. The voting deadline is Friday, 30 November, at 5:00pm GMT. I encourage you to vote publically. In any case, your votes will appear in my vote summary and in the FTF final report. When you reply to this message, please delete all of the proposed resolution text. I hope to hear from all FTF members soon. Thank you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Summary: The current spec says that the subject headings come from standard lists (e.g. SEARS, LCSH). But the spec does not have an attribute specifying this source. After consulting with the librarians and similar people, we found that this information is so important that it should qualify for having its own and explicit attribute. This is what was shown in the proposed resolution of the issue 4526 as: public string subject_heading_collection; The contents of this attribute could be, for example, "SEARS", "MeSH", "LCSH". Proposed resolution: To add the following attribute to the valuetype BibRefSubject in the module DsLSRBibObject public string subject_heading_collection; To clarify documentation about differences between subject headings and classification codes, with a suggestion that for classification code a pattern for identifiers may be used. -- Martin Senger EMBL Outstation - Hinxton European Bioinformatics Institute Phone: (+44) 1223 494636 Wellcome Trust Genome Campus (Switchboard: 494444) Hinxton Fax : (+44) 1223 494468 Cambridge CB10 1SD United Kingdom