Issue 12562: CMOF serializations of its metamodels not published (ocl2-rtf) Source: Zeligsoft, Inc. (Mr. Christian W. Damus, nobody) Nature: Clarification Severity: Significant Summary: No CMOF models of OCL Abstract Syntax Unlike most successful specifications in the MOF and UML family, the OCL specification does not publish CMOF serializations of its metamodels. Publication of normative metamodels will greatly improve the clarity of the specification and assist tools in implementing it. XMI serializations of the following metamodels are recommended: - CompleteOCL Abstract Syntax (UML basis) - EssentialOCL Abstract Syntax (EMOF basis) Also, a separate document containing normative EBNF or RelaxNG grammars of: - CompleteOCL Concrete Syntax - EssentialOCL Concrete Syntax Resolution: Revised Text: Actions taken: July 5, 2008: received issue Discussion: Good suggestion. It cannot be treated in this ballot due to timing constraints. Disposition: Deferred End of Annotations:===== m: Date: 05 Jul 2008 11:49:00 -0400 To: Subject: Issue/Bug Report -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Christian W. Damus Company: Zeligsoft, Inc. mailFrom: Notification: No Specification: OCL Section: n/a FormalNumber: formal/06-05-01 Version: 2.0 RevisionDate: 06-05-01 Page: n/a Nature: Clarification Severity: Significant HTTP User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_5_3; en-us) AppleWebKit/525.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.1.1 Safari/525.20 Description No CMOF models of OCL Abstract Syntax Unlike most successful specifications in the MOF and UML family, the OCL specification does not publish CMOF serializations of its metamodels. Publication of normative metamodels will greatly improve the clarity of the specification and assist tools in implementing it. XMI serializations of the following metamodels are recommended: - CompleteOCL Abstract Syntax (UML basis) - EssentialOCL Abstract Syntax (EMOF basis) Also, a separate document containing normative EBNF or RelaxNG grammars of: - CompleteOCL Concrete Syntax - EssentialOCL Concrete Syntax