Interoperability and Portability for Cloud Computing: A Guide

Interoperability and Portability for Cloud Computing: A Guide was written to provide a clear definition of interoperability and portability and how these concepts relate to various aspects of cloud computing and to cloud services.
The aim of this guide is to give both cloud service customers and cloud service providers guidance in the provision and selection of cloud services indicating how interoperability and portability affect the cost, security, and risk involved.
Version 2.0 is updated to reflect the ISO/IEC 19941 Cloud Computing Interoperability and Portability standard and its facet models of interoperability, data portability, and application portability. Containers and their associated technologies are addressed in the paper, as well as automation in the use of cloud services.
This paper was published by the Cloud Standards Customer Council, a program launched by the OMG in 2011 to advance the adoption of cloud computing. This work is now under the purview of the OMG Cloud Working Group. Copyright is owned by OMG. Visit to learn more.