Hybrid Cloud Considerations for Big Data and Analytics

Hybrid Cloud Considerations for Big Data and Analytics is a companion guide to the CSCC's Cloud Customer Architecture for Big Data and Analytics.
Today, the majority of big data and analytics use cases are running on hybrid cloud computing infrastructure. A hybrid cloud is a combination of on-premises and local cloud resources integrated with one or more dedicated cloud(s) and one or more public cloud(s), allowing for increased scalability and computational power for big data and analytics capabilities.
This whitepaper summarizes what hybrid cloud is, explains why it is important in the context of big data and analytics, and discusses implementation considerations.
This paper was published by the Cloud Standards Customer Council, a program launched by the OMG in 2011 to advance the adoption of cloud computing. This work is now under the purview of the OMG Cloud Working Group. Copyright is owned by OMG. Visit www.omg.org/cloud to learn more.